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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Why I love Ty.

For starters, I love men who can fix shit. That's a big deal. Men with tools and stuff. I have a thing about work gloves and tool belts.

My dad used to fix stuff. He was a freakin carpenter, like Jesus. Ok, maybe not LIKE Jesus- but you know- they were in the same trade. My dad used to build mobile homes. He also used to drive his companies float for the Rose Parade every year.

or so I'm told.

I love Extreme Makeover- Home Edition because it makes me cry at the end no matter how much of the show I've seen. Like the movie, Homeward Bound. I always fucken cry when the old dog comes hobbling up over the hill, "Oh Peter I missed you." (gettin misty over here). EM-HE does that for me. It just makes me fucken cry every time. I love what they do for people. Just the words "Move That Bus!" and I cry like a baby.

Nobody is ever unhappy to see Ty coming. He can show up unexpectedly and nobody minds. Ty brings good news, he's like Santa Clause. And don't start with the DUI, he SAID he was sorry.

I trust Ty.

He can decorate my bed any day.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Top Five Movies I Can Watch Over and Over

and over again.

Joelle had this fancy meme so I thought I'd do it.

The top Five Movies that You can Watch Over and Over and Over.

Thank God this does not require these to be GOOD movies, because as movies go, they are not exactly quality films.

1. My Best Friends Wedding. I love this movie. I love Julie Roberts in this movie. "He was in love with me for 10 god damn years- ME!"

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

2. Oceans 11 or 12 (and prob 13). I don't even think I need to explain this.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

3. You've Got Mail. Such a dated chick movie. I love Tom Hanks. I think he is sexy.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

4. Cars. This is partly because my kids still watch it daily, but I always find something new and different and clever each time.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

5. Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood. Love it Love it Love it!!

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I really could list another 5, including Grease, Beaches, Forrest Gump and some John Hughes films, but you know... I won't.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

analyze this!!

You know who you are.

I won't chase you, I told you that. And I do have a shred of pride left. Just a shred. I plan to keep it.

You know where I am. It's your turn.

burn(ed), baby burn(ed)!!

Happy HOT Nekkid Thursday!!

The after effects of my day at the beach. I have not spent so much time in the sun since I was a teenager. I guess, at my age- I should use sunscreen.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The best way to spend a work day!!

At the beach!!

My brothers girls are in town so I took a day off of work to take them, my other niece and Alex to the beach. That is the girls there. Chelsea and Kya sitting on the sand and Kelli wrapped up in a towel, just watching the water. I thought Kelli, for her 7 years old looked so fascinated by the water. And I just love this picture.

Alex was in the water almost the entire time so I couldn't snap a photo of him. He's like a fish, that kid. Neither his dad nor I love the water, so I'm not sure where he gets that.

Kya and Chelsea dragged me out into the water, but I'm not a confident swimmer so I don't go far. Also, with my contact lenses in I have to be careful not to get sand from the water in my eyes.

But we had a great time today. Yes, Kya looks a bit like me.

And Kelli is 8, not 7. I never CLAIMED to be aunt (or ANYTHING) of the year.

Time OUT!!!!

If your kids are different sexes, or if you just have one, or if there is a decent age spread between them- you may not understand my thoughts here.

It's 8:55 AM. And I am ready to lock them in the closet. These two boys- too close in age- are fighting before they even wake up, it seems. Always fighting over toys, chairs, whatever. The 'playing together' consists of wrestling and pushing. It is counter productive for me to yell or to bash thier heads together, but I find myself doing it anyway (the yelling, not the bashing)

They are currently sitting on the floor, in front of the couch- on either sides of me- having been threatened with sudden death. The have been sitting quietly for the last three minutes. I know that time out should not last longer than thier age in minutes, but this may be the only silence I have all day.

It's a bad day when taking the day off is more stressful than going to work.

9 minutes.... I still don't feel bad.

Monday, July 23, 2007

3 days after the spaz.

I'm getting conflicting opinions about what to do about my back. I am fully mobile. I can walk, and move around- maybe a bit slower but I think I'm just being cautious. It only hurts when I sit down. And after about 20 minutes, it starts to persist and I have to get up and walk around. It's not tragic. Bothersome, yes. But clearly not the end of my dream career as a stripper. I will probably call my doctor if it is still bothering me tomorrow. However I have been told that I need to call Employee Health and go through the whole workers comp thing. Simply because it happened here. Ok, I call bullshit on that one- but I will make a call and find out. There is a lot of red tape mumbo jumbo here, and I just want to do the right thing.

So I called Employee health and told her the story. The very nice assistant manage of the until said that they cannot make a determination of this is work related or not. (Ok, it’s NOT.) I just happened to be AT work. It’s not like I tripped over bad carpet or was picking up something heavy.

She said “Now we can’t tell you what to do and of course it is your choice, but that is the opinion of the Employee Heath clinic to have it checked our by our doctor and let him decide.

Here’s the process….

Fill out 4 forms.
Go to the Employee Health Annex with is down stairs here at the hospital.
Have SECURITY drive me over to Occupational Health which is in another BUILDING, 7 miles from here.
Have the doctor there check me out- so that he can determine if this is a work related injury or not. (Ok, it's NOT.)

Did I mention how I GOT hurt??

Yeah, I don’t think so. I will go to my doctor and say that this was not work related- cause it wasn’t. I am a generally clumsy person and if I trip over my feet and break my foot- that’s not a work related injury unless I was in a fashion show for scrubs. If I was bending over to pick up a box, or the phone or anything else- THAT would be work related.

This is not. I don't have time to mess with it. I don't have time to be injured.

I have to take the e-husband to the emergency room.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

what a spaz(m)

That's what I get for forgetting things. I walked out of my office yesterday to go home, and I turned around and went back, because I forgot my purse. simple enough.

When I leaned over to pick up my purse, a sharp pain shot through my lower back. It was so sudden and shocking and I could not stand back up straight. I was able to, hunched over, get myself back into my chair- but when I had re-entered my office, I let the door close behind me. There was a station of doctors and nurses on the other side of that door, but there I was, unable to move to get any help.

Reaching for my cell phone, thank God I was just about to make a phone call and it was in my pocket- I called one of my friends who I knew was in the break room. "Hey Jul what's up."

I quickly explained to her that I was in my office, and that I hurt my back and needed help. She said I was lying, and where am I? I reiterated, again, that I was in my office- and can you please help. So she came over and brought reinforcements.

Talk about a total scene. Four nurses, and a neurologist are now in my office, asking me what happened. Do I need to go to the ER? Did I hear something "pop"? How was I moving? Did I have my knees bent? Was a twisting?

No ER, no popping, I was bending over. I have no idea if my knees were bent or if I was twisting. I know one thing, I was bending over to pick up my purse. That's all I know. So the Neurologist called over the Physical Therapy doctor for a consult. Now more people are looking. Was I twisting? Did I hear a pop? Was the pain radiating down my legs?

Take 800mg of ibuprofen, right now. Rest for 2-3 days. Drink lots of water and if it is still persistent, see your physician on Monday, you may need an x-ray. If by later tonight, you still cannot walk-go to the ER. The pain was low on my back. Lumbar. I cannot support my body, or walk or sit back into my hips. Not without a lot of pain, I explained to her.

I called Mike, who came to pick me up- and then was brought out in a FUCKING WHEELCHAIR. Yeah, talk about a scene. Of course everyone I know managed to be out in the hallway as I was wheeled out- my friend who was pushing the wheelchair, just for fun- called out, "Discharge- (enter my last name here!)" yeah, funny.

I spent all night on my back, with one of those Thermalcare pads, which strangely- is STILL hot this morning. Mike gave me one of his pain pills, which made me nauseated, but which was fancy....

This morning I can move a little better. I can walk unassisted, but not very long, or very far. This fucken blows. And now I'm captive to my kids who are now barraging me with questions and conversations about Little Foot, Pirate Ships and myspace bulletins.


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Half Nekkid Nipples

Promiscuous Boy,
You already know
That I’m all yours
What you waiting for?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

What's my reality??

Life is a package deal. It is not enough to look only at the parts we like. It is necessary to face the whole picture so that we can make realistic choices for ourselves and stop setting ourselves up for disappointment
Living with alcoholics, many of us coped with an ever-shifting situation in which our sense of reality changed from one minute to the next. We adapted by taking whatever part of reality suited us and ignoring the rest. Again and again we were devastated because reality didn't go away just because it was ignored.
Our lives will remain unmanageable as long as we pretend that only half of the truth is real. While it may be difficult to face certain facts, when we allow ourselves to confront them, we cease to give our own denial the power to devastate us at every turn.
- Courage to Change, July 9.

Translation: As soon as I accept that I have made a huge complicated mess out of my social/ romantic life it won't be so hard to live with. It's much like getting fucked in the ass. If you breathe into the pain, it doesn't hurt so bad.

So much wasted, and this moment keeps slipping away.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday the 13th, nothing scary here!!!

Alex had a long day at Soak City but he decided to chill out at the park with us. Good lookin kid huh?

Gabe gave me a big smile and a pose on the bars. What a charmer!

Danny loves playing in the dirt. Here comes trouble!!

Alex and Gabe just hangin around

Cheese mama!!!

We had fun and went home with no tantrums. Somedays, it doesn't suck.

High Cost of Health Care

$2000 has been put out in co-payments for my husbands care already this year. I have paid a little more than half of that. It's only July. I'm not surprised or angry by this number, if I had the money to pay for it, I would. His parents have been very generous and help me foot much of the rest. Some is still owed.

What shocks me is that my insurance company has paid out $65,000 for his care. (and it's only July.)

What absolutely stuns me is how much his care actually COSTS. Hospital, physician and pharmacy. $194,013.17 Hooo-leeeee fuuuuuuuk!!!!

Insurance companies, for all the BS we have to take- negotiate a hell of a rate with medical groups, drug companies and hospitals. Of his almost 200 grand in medical expenses- so far, we have only been responsible for 1.03% of that. I feel bad for people who do not have, or cannot get insurance. I don't know much about qualifications for Medicaid- but I know that there is a large number of people who make too much for Medicaid, but can't afford insurance. Right now I am insuring myself, Michael and all my kids for less than $60 a month. If I was just insuring myself and the boys, it would still cost only $60 a month- so insuring Michael and his daughter cost me nothing, but apparently make a huge difference.

I've always been terrified to go without insurance, health and auto. I went for about 6 months without insurance, but paid out of pocket for private insurance for Alex when I was between jobs. My children have always had it. But I know that I am lucky to be able to afford that. I will try to bitch less about Michael's medical expenses because in the grand scheme, the cost is very low.

Sometimes grace comes in the stranges places.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

You knew he was the pimp of the group.

I think Joey Fatone should have a show in Vegas. He's so vegas-y. He's Italian. The wops fucking rule Vegas.

He can sing, and dance and I think he can act, but you know I only saw him in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. But I'm sure he's got talent in everything- he's one of those fuckers who just excels in shit.

But can't you see him, opening at the Bellagio- with dancers and an orchestra. I loved him on Dancing with the Stars, and of course I loved N'Sync. (yeah, I fucken said it! I didn't take my kids both times I saw them in concert.) He may not have the career that Justin Timberlake does. But he's out there... I fucking love him. Love love love.

And you know, I'll bet HE could totally appreciate having an opening act that involves a comedic juggler. Hi Andy!!!

Word Funerals and this jack-ass.

I should move to Detroit. Apparently there are no problems there. Apparently all the crime, economy and educational issues are solved, because they clearly have nothing better to do.

DETROIT - The NAACP held a mock funeral yesterday for one of the most inflammatory terms in the English language: "the N-word."
With the fervor of a civil rights-era demonstration and the passion of a rousing church service, NAACP members and their supporters pledged good riddance not only to the derogatory word, but also to other disparaging expressions they say have been tolerated for too long among some African Americans

I heard about this on the radio this morning and was a bit confused. Since the Don Imus incident, there has been a lot of attention in this direction regarding the use of the N-word along with other derogatory terms. (Imus, by the way who did NOT use the N-word.) I understand the emotions behind it, and the what it stands for but do we really think that this is going to make a difference. I laughed out loud when the guest they had on the radio pointed out that the NAACP ought to spend more time thinking of a new name for their organization, because the term 'colored' is just as offensive.

I am not in anyway condoning the use of the N-word. I don't use it. I don't use it, not casually, in angry, or when I sing my favorite J-Lo song:

Now people luvin me n hatin me n treatin me Ungratefully But not knowing that they aint makin or breakin me My life I live it to the limit and I love it Now I can breathe again Baby now I can breathe again Now people screamin whats the deal with u and so so I tell them (INSERT BURIED WORD HERE) mind their biz but they dont hear me though Cuz I live my life to the limit and I love it Now I can breathe again Baby now I can breathe again

Not even then!!! I understand that it's offensive, I get that it is hateful and inappropriate. It's also somewhat situational and it's not ALWAYS offensive. I wasn't offended when J-Lo said it.
She's still my girl. She didn't offend me.

And then there's THIS FUCKER.

I only wish the would have taken away all of his rights and kicked his ass out of the country. I'm sorry. This is not about my bizarre obsession for the law and how going to court makes me anxious and horny either. I really hate it when people go to great lengths to get out of jury duty. In my simple way, I see jury duty as a small price to pay for the privilege of living here. Imagine for a minute if the same 12 people were the jury on every case?

I look at it this way, if I ever get caught for the crimes I commit... I only hope that my jury is not filled with retired knitting bitties, drug addicts on disability, and policemen. I hope my jury is sprinkled with working men and women, around my age, economic level and family status.

I mean, sometimes a man just NEEDS killing. So much of my decisions are fueled by the thought, "No jury would convict me." So work with me people. I might need you later.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Politics, shmolitics... Go Fight Win.

I got this email from Deanna. I don't always forward emails like this, so posting it here is a bit different for me. I don't know about the validity of this being written by a NJ housewife. I try not to get political or share my views because sometimes my thoughts are merely emotional and maybe not always rational and I always try to make decisions based on rationale, not emotion. I have no true political party. Maybe I'm a conservative Democrat, or maybe I'm a liberal republican. It depends on the topic. I don't know how I feel about a woman in the White House. I don't know if I should trust Barack Obama, but I'm sure Ed will tell me I should, and why. I think that John Edwards is cute but, emotionally, I don't know how I feel that he is continuing his bid for the White House when his wife is struggling with cancer.

I voted for John Kerry in the last election because I agreed with MORE of his views than George W. I printed out all the info on both candidates and their positions on the issues, and put a plus or minus if I agreed or disagreed. I tallied it up, and the highest number won my vote. And it wasn't by a landslide.

Politically, I am undecided and I make no excuses for being uneducated on some of the things that go on in the world. In some ways, I just am..

But I got this email, and take it or leave it, I agree.

An Excellent Letter

Here's one woman who is telling it like it is...in her opinion!
Written by a housewife from New Jersey and sounds like this is one pissed off lady.

"Are we fighting a war on terror or aren't we? Was it or was it not started by Islamic people who brought it to our shores on September 11, 2001?

Were people from all over the world, mostly Americans, not brutally murdered that day, in downtown Manhattan , across the Potomac from our nation's capitol and in a field in Pennsylvania? Did nearly three thousand men, women and children die a horrible, burning or crushing death that day, or didn't they?
And I'm supposed to care that a copy of the Koran was "desecrated" when an overworked American soldier kicked it or got it wet...Well, I don't.
I don't care at all.

I'll start caring when Osama bin Laden turns himself in and repents for incinerating all those innocent people on 9/11.

I'll care about the Koran when the fanatics in the Middle East start caring about the Holy Bible, the mere possession of which is a crime in Saudi Arabia .
I'll care when these thugs tell the world they are sorry for hacking off Nick Berg's head while Berg screamed through his gurgling slashed throat.

I'll care when the cowardly so-called "insurgents" in Iraq come out and
fight like men instead of disrespecting their own religion by hiding in mosques.

I'll care when the mindless zealots who blow themselves up in search of nirvana care about the innocent children within range of their suicide bombs.

I'll care when the American media stops pretending that their First Amendment liberties are somehow derived from international law instead of the United States Constitution's Bill of Rights.

In the meantime, when I hear a story about a brave marine roughing up an Iraqi terrorist to obtain information, know this:
I don't care.

When I see a fuzzy photo of a pile of naked Iraqi prisoners who have been humiliated in what amounts to a college-hazing incident, rest assured:
I don't care.

When I see a wounded terrorist get shot in the head when he is told not to move because he might be booby-trapped, you can take it to the bank:
I don't care.

When I hear that a prisoner, who was issued a Koran and a prayer mat, and fed "special" food that is paid for by my tax dollars, is complaining that his holy book is being "mishandled," you can absolutely believe in your
heart of hearts:

I don't care.
And oh, by the way, I've noticed that sometimes it's spelled "Koran" and other times "Quran." Well, Jimmy Crack Corn and - you guessed it:
I don't care!!!!

And may I add:
"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they made a difference in the world. But, the Marines don't have that problem." Ronald Reagan

"If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under." also by... Ronald Reagan

One last thought for the day:
In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England 's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America , he said:

"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in. And how many want out."

Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you:
1. Jesus Christ
2. The American G. I.

One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."

Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Joy of WHAT??

This is what I cooked tonight? Yes, I cooked that.

Baked Halibut on a bed of vegetables.

Yes, really I did it on my own. Me, the "microwave queen" whose best recipes are still things I have to lie and tell my kids that my mom cooked just to get them to eat them. I got the recipe on-line and I improvised a little on the veggies and spices but it smells so good in the house right now.

Did I mention that it is midnight in my house and this meal is for lunch and dinner tomorrow? I just remembered that we have a meeting tomorrow in which lunch is being catered, probably with good food that I fucken LOVE, but I'm trying to eat better and lose weight so perhaps this is a nice substitution for California Pizza Kitchen or something else fabulous that I think will make me throw up if I eat it.

I just finished the induction phase of an "atkins-like" diet that dropped 8 pounds off of me in two weeks. I was pretty shocked, and felt pretty decent until the ketosis kicked in hardcore and I had an episode every day for the last three days where I felt dizzy, and faint and depleted. The first night this happened it scared the ever-livin out of me and I was going to call 911.

Maybe it was low blood sugar, or too many ketones cause I clearly have a lot of fat to burn off. All the protein and no carbs to burn it off. Either way- I have reincorporated some natural carbs to the diet and I'm fine with having a slower weightloss that I might be able to sustain. The main reason I did this induction phase is two fold, and it's the main reason BEHIND an induction phase. It broke my craving for carbs and sugar. Which is insane, but it actually worked. It also has given me time to feel what it's like when I stop eating processed foods. Besides the weird almost passing out-thing, I have felt really good. Not as tired, not as run down.

I told very few people that I was doing this because I didn't really want to talk about it. People did notice that there was a change to what I was eating, and they would ask if I was on a diet or trying to lose weight and I would simply deny. Even though people towards the end of this week have commented on it. I just said, "yeah I think so..." and not get into it too much. Just not worth the conversation, and who knows if it will all be back in two weeks.

So am I on a diet? No. I "inducted" for two weeks, and that is all my body can take of that crap. I'm sticking to the plan I was on, and adding some natural carbs with fruit. Increasing the carb intake from <20 to < 30g per day- all from natural carbs. Vegetables, fruit etc. Nothing processed. I think I will naturally lose weight that way. Add some exercise eventually-bleh.

Paul told me that when it becomes important for me to lose weight, I will do it. Well I had somethings happen in my personal life (eek- are there things I don't share with you??) that this whole thing has been pretty decent distraction for. The only thing (for me) worse that addiction to food, is addiction to a person. (Not saying that there are not worse addictions, but these are the ones that I struggle with.

So I'm going to just start eating better. Less crap, more non-crap. See how that goes. If I gain back the 8, and don't lose anything this way- plus exercise, then fuck it, I'm going gastric bypass.

(oh shut up, I'm just kidding.)

Saturday, July 07, 2007

When toddlers attack.

You know, if you rough house with a 4 year old, things can go awry fairly quickly. They have a very low tolerance for pain, and losing. When you play fight and let them hit you, it becomes fun and they keep doing it. Eventually you will get hit someplace less resilient than your arm or your back and it will hurt. When you wrestle, they will eventually clothesline you and it will hurt. If you commonly play the game "I'm gonna eat you" and growl and play bite, eventually you will get bit, and it will hurt.

Now being 35- and mom, I don't do these things. I know better. Alex, at age 12- ought to know better. He ought to know because I tell him almost EVERY FUCKING DAY!!! But you know, what the hell do I know?

Let me preface with saying that he has had an attitude all day. Maybe he's mad because he could not spend the day at my moms and play with his friend. Maybe he's mad because the girl that likes him is waiting for HIM to ask HER out (more on that later). Maybe his underwear are too tight, I have not clue and he does not say anything when I ask. We went swimming today, and he complained of a mild headache before. When we got back, he continued to complain of the headache, but refused the tylenol. ummmm, ok.

He began to play with Gabe. All of the above offending games. I told them to ease up, quiet down, and even knock it off. All of which they sort of did, all except the last one. The "I'm gonna eat you" game is somewhat of a spin-off of "I'm gonna get ya!" which is followed by tickling- but leave it to Alex to involve something more.

So in the midst of the game, Gabe decided that HE was gonna eat Alex. And he bit him. Probably a a good pinch between the teeth, and a tear of the skin. No blood. I did not see it, but I heard him yell "GABE!" and I turned to see Alex holding his arm, I asked what happened and he pointed to his arm. um... words please. So he yelled out, "He BIT ME!" and then he started to cry. CRY!!!

My first instinct was to say, "I told you not to play that game with him." but I didn't. I asked Gabe why he did that. He said "I'm sorry Alex" and leaned in to him, in which Alex responded by raising his hand to Gabe, in the backhand preparedness move and Gabe got up and ran to the corner. I calmly sent Gabe to his room, which he went cause he knew he was busted. I told Alex he didn't need to cry like that. It was a bit dramatic. I told him that he needs to stop playing those games with Gabe. He's only 4. And don't you ever raise your hand to him like that again- ever. Then I got up and went into Gabe's room because I HAD to punish him for biting, even though I think in 4 year old thought process, he was provoked and encouraged. I've seen Alex put his mouth around Gabe's arm, but just never bit down. But biting is bad, and unsanitary and a reason that they kick you out of schools here. So I lectured and all that, and he got a few whacks on his butt. Not too hard, but you know, biting is not acceptable.

Ok, problems solved right??

Alex continued his attitude, when Gabe said he was 'very sorry for biting you' Alex told him to Go Away. Ok, not cool. Gabe's only four (and he was provoked). Gabe said he was sorry (and he was provoked). Gabe got in trouble (and he was provoked). I told him that maybe HE needs to go his room if he's going to be this way. Jeezus.

I thought I had SON'S!!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

200th post

I was hoping for my 200th post to be something cool and special, but I just don't have it in me. I'm in protein hell (and not in the good way)- and it's so FUCKING HOT all I can think of is sex.

wait... did I say that? Apparently a spectacular blog post is not the only thing not in me....

I saw this today.
How to see your vagina- from the inside.

Yeah, you read that right!! This website is all adult, so don't click around if you don't want to see lots of pictures and read lots of dirty stuff. (Although this link is just this one article and the picture... is different and not overtly graphic even though it's the inside of vag.) I happen to love this site- but you know, I'm that kinda girl.

Interesting, but this is a sculpture. Not a sex toy. This is mounted on marble or wood. I think you always select the option to have a twat art mounted on wood.

Lick it (I mean CLICK IT) to make it bigger. Kind of takes the mystery out of it.
And really, what in the cock do you DO with this??
(ok...wrong choice of expletive...)

her- "Here honey- Happy Anniversary!!"

him- (after moments of stunned silence and the farthest thing from an erection) "I know you said I couldn't find it with a diagram, but you didn't have to build me one- to SCALE"

Monday, July 02, 2007

You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!

Ok, so even the lesbians are liars.

This morning I ran into the hot butchy lesbian that I have had a thing for, for almost a year now. She has been on military leave for a month. I was happy to see her, she looked good, tanned, all that. She dropped her work and I sort of ran, kind of a skip....'ed over to her and gave her a really big hug. Ahh, the closest I've gotten. She was busy, cleaning things up and reorganizing things after being gone for a month, but I did ask her how Vegas was. I knew that she was going to Vegas before she came back to work. Did you go this past weekend? No, last weekend she said. Had a good time.

Hows things at home? I asked her.

Good, she said, good.

What she did NOT mention is that things at home are all newlywed. And she got MARRIED in Vegas.

This, (in color, minus the blur and the erasing) is her wedding photo I found on My space. Lovely picture. Everyone is happy.

I just find it odd that she didn't mention it. I mean, you have to HIDE things like that. Yeah, I had total girl wood for her. She knew it. She told me she was attracted to me. Told me a few things, but never once did she mention that she was getting, or got married. Like the other guy, there is NO REASON to flat out lie. But I guess she doesn't want to publicize either.

Well, it doesn't matter now. She's married. Or whatever, considering gay marriage is still not really recognized, but you know. Whatever. I feel bad for her wife, I guess. That's not cool. Her partner is so excited about getting married that she made a point not to mention it.
So the hot guys are liar, the lesbians are liars, and I know that the nice guys are liars too. Don't ask. You know who is currently NOT lying to me?

The e-husband.
HE, strangely enough, is being quite wonderful.

It's easy to love someone who is good with your kids. It's easy to love someone who you have history with. It's easy to love someone who brushes your hair when you get out of the shower, makes your coffee, and gives you a back rub AFTER fooling around. (So I had a few drinks...what can I tell ya?!)

No decisions being made, but I enjoy being treated nicely. I enjoy having efforts made for me.

And the demon I know, is at least manageable for now.

(oh, and he paid me back for the ER co-pay that he paid with my money.) And apologized profusely for making me feel that he was being irresponsible with my thin pocketbook.