Alot has changed his January. I'm in a new relationship with a man who is MADE of awesomeness. He is everything I need in my life, and nothing that I don't want. You know that ridiculous line from Jerry McGuire- that... You.Complete.Me.
Ok, I won't go there. I can't. but yeah, it's like that. And here, I'll give you all the dirty details. He's younger than me. by about 12 years. He's 27 years old and he absolutely fits my spaces. I adore him and I'm the happiest I've been in a while.
So this weekend, Daddy (yes I call the younger guy, Daddy) spent the weekend at the house with me and the family. Yes- me, the husband, the kids, and the 'boyfriend' (although he's not exactly my boyfriend). Under the same roof at night. And I was laying in bed, next to Daddy- hearing the husband making coffee in the kitchen and the kids rustling about- and it occurred to me how much progress I've made in my personal life. That how being honest and true to what I need to be happy, I have actually achieved it to a level that makes me happy.
This month I put together two events for Stroke Awareness. One was for work, and one was private within my lifestyle crowd. I took a road trip to Colorado to see my daughter graduate form high school.
I completed my Masters Degree.
Yes, change. Progress. Moving forward.
Life is good....