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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Blogging my ass off!!!

My Wildest New Years Eve...

Back in the day- when the e-husband was just an e-boyfriend, and back when I used to shave my legs every day- we went out for New Years Eve. It was our first New Years Eve together and we went out to 2nd Street in Long Beach and bar hopped etc. I got pretty drunk- which is no shocker, and he stayed sober, which, in retrospect IS a shocker. And we did it up against someones car on 2nd street. People were all inside bars and we were towards the end of the 'strip'- if you would call it that- so nobody saw us, except maybe the people looking out windows. Oh well. I think that was the last time I got laid on New Years Eve, so at least it was a good one!!!!

This is my 354 blog post this year!! THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY FOUR. That is between this blog, the old blog, and two others that are -ahem- adult in nature and are only seen by a chosen few that I know, and at least 1000 strangers a day. But 354 blog posts. I was thinking that there are not a lot of things I have done 354 times this year, besides the obvious daily things.

It's New Years Eve. AKA my son's 12th birthday. Holy Fuck!-I have a 12 year old. I was 23 when I had him, and at the time I thought I was ready for a kid. I realize now, that I new 'jack'. The equivalent of sqaut- bupkiss- nada- niet!! If I knew when I was 23, what I learned just in the last 12 months of my life... well, maybe I wouldn't have believed it.

I have been struggling to put two decent sentences together the last week- and now it feels like I've got a million things going on in my head that I feel if I blog out- they won't infect my brain like that nasty creature in The Wrath of Khan. You know what I'm talking about- that thing they put in that guys ear.

I just saw that Frank Warren and PostSecret will be in 'my town' on January 15th. I am going to try to go.

The e-husband is back in the hopsital. From what my e-mother-in-laws told me, his white blood count was really high- so someting is infected. I can't take the boys to the hospital, and really- visiting him in the ICU is always a horrible experience. He hates the ICU, and yes been in ICU enough times to have a basis of comparison. They keep him hooked to a jillion machines and some hospitals don't have bathrooms in the ICU so they expect you to use bedpans. Yea, I wouldn't do that either- so he pitches a fit until they unhook him and allow him to walk to a restroom. Anyway, I don't know all the details of why he's there. I have theories, but I am not going to entertain them. It doesn't matter to me. I'm compelled to get involved, but I know that I don't have to. I have not been called upon to do anything. I have only been told, "I'm in the hospital" and very little else. So I have to let go of that. It's still hard. Hard because I care. Because I am afraid fo his well being. Because I am concerned for his my children. Because I am worried about his life. Of course, these are my problems. He has problems that are bigger than my cares, fears, concerns and worries. Like I have said before, I understand why there are days that he wants to die- and perhaps it's my own selfishness that makes me fear that someday he may actually hurt himself, or worse. Selfishness, because I would feel guilty, I would be sad, and I would most likely be more heartbroken than I care to admit.

I realize that I have no resolutions for this year. Nothing new. And I don't have any resignations either. Maybe I'm not ready to resign myself to anything. Anything is possible. Things can change. Maybe there isn't anything about me that is carved in stone.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Potty Animal!!

Well one of my New Years Resolutions last year was to potty train both beasties. I did manage to get Gabe potty trained. I think it took about a week of 'intense' training- lots of Elmo's Potty Time DVD, and M&M's. Lots of M&M's. M&M for sitting on the potty. I think I gave him a 'fun bag' of M&M's for actually GOING on the potty. It took some time, but he had very few accidents.

So today I decided that it was time to start with Dan. He just turned three. He tells me when he needs a diaper change. He loved the Elmo's Potty Time DVD more than Gabe did really. Gabe just quotes it whenever any kind, not just potty accident occurs. "Mama- Grover says accidents happen!" Convenient.

So I put Danny in underwear- and he promptly wet them- about 2 minutes after he sat on the potty. Oh well. "Accident happen mama- Grover says!" yeah yeah.

So we'll see how it goes. I've got three days to make serious progress with this. It would be a great way to finish the holiday season if I could stop buying diapers!!!

Friday, December 29, 2006

"What the Fuck" moments

Don't forget to scan down, or click here to see Justin Timberlake offering up the perfect gift, in case you didn't get what you wanted for Christmas. Dick in a Box. Too damn funny. He's so talented. I spent a ton of time watching his SNL clips on You Tube last night. "Give it on up for Homelessville!"

Looking back at the past year- so many things have changed. I have changed a lot, but I don't know if anyone really notices how much. The core things about me are the same. Some things will never change. But I feel different. A little more self aware. A little more accepting of myself, for all my shortcomings.

There are actually a lot of things that happened in my life that I still look back on and think, "What the hell was I thinking?" I have lots of "what-the-fuck" moments, where in retrospect I should have reacted differently- but for whatever reason, I didn't. Dr. Phil says that there are 5 pivitol people, 7 critical choices, and 10 defining moments in your life. I'm 35, should I already know all 5, 7 and 10- or will they change as my life changes?? People that I think are pivitol people, may really just be critical choices, or defining moments. Not the person, but the choice of the moment. Like Trever. He changed a LOT in my life, how I saw myself, and how I related to men later. But was he a pivitol person?? No, probably not. Maybe it was the choice I made to get involved. Or the moment it went to far that changed everything. I'm not sure.

I really don't know how I would just choose 5, 7 and 10 things that defined my life. I feel like I could do that for every few years of my life, and that would make more sense to me. Everything is changing. Nothing looks the same as it used to.

The view is nice from here even though there are things that are missing. My program is gone. Meaning, I don't go to Al-Anon meetings anymore. I still read my daily emailed meditations, and I still try to practice a lot of the principles I've learned, I still utillize my God box and I pray when I'm struggling, but I don't go to meetings anymore- my life is in a different place right now. Program just doesn't fit right now. If I was going to meetings, I'd be faking it and trying to make someone else happy, and I know she doesn't want that of me either. I'm learning to live and let live, and I think that is the most anyone can ask of me right now.

I feel like I can see more clearly now. Like I've stepped out of my own prison. Learned to accept and love the things about me that make me different. Love the things that other people love about me, get rid of the things that were not working. I still have some a lot of shortcomings, but at least I'm learning to accept them, work with or through them- and not hate myself for having them. Embrace who I am and try my best to stop giving a shit if other people approve of me. Because I don't want anyone advice on how to live my life. No more than anyone wants my advice. I don't need anyone else to point out where I've gone wrong, I'm well aware. By the time you point it out to me, I garuntee I've already been agonizing about it for years.

Live and Let Live. That's my hope for everyone.

Just live and let live.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Dick in a Box

Ok- this is just damn funny!!!


I didn't get tagged, I stole this. Golfwidow is freakin hilarious. I've been listening to her podcasts and laughing my cans off.

I'm low on material, I'm sick. And I love the meme's.

  1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Started drinking Captain Morgan. I used to be allergic to rum, but I think it's just cheap bacardi cause the Captain and I are good friends!!!
  2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I think I was 5 for 5. I think I may not make new ones this year and just roll over the other 5. Rollover resolutions, like cell phone minutes.
  3. Did anyone close to you give birth? If I forget someone, I'm going to feel like a dick. My ex, Robert had a baby, well, his once-was-significant-other did, my babysitter had a grand daughter. My cousin had a gorgeous baby boy!
  4. Did anyone close to you die? No, but people die- close to me, at least once a week. I work in a hospital, what do you expect? My sisters beautiful dogs died.
  5. What countries did you visit? yeah... I hardly left my area code, when would I leave country??
  6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006? More sex would be really nice.
  7. What date from 2006 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Halloween 2006. Got pierced. Won't forget THAT.
  8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? My new job at the hospital.
  9. What was your biggest failure? Spending my financial aid funding in record time!!!
  10. Did you suffer illness or injury? ummmm, generalized anxiety disorder. Oh, and got 5th disease... whatever you call it.
  11. What was the best thing you bought? Hmmm, I bought this fucken cool desk globe thing for my friends birthday, a plane ticket to bring my kid home for Christmas, oh and a 14 gauge barbell... that's for me.
  12. Whose behavior merited celebration? Gabe for using the potty!!! Woo hoo.... One down, one to go.
  13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Same one who always does.
  14. Where did most of your money go? I really think I spent a LOT of it on booze. It's the only thing I don't have reciepts for.
  15. What made you really really really excited? That is SUCH a loaded question. One of my blog posts was featured on a popular search engine, and that was bitchen cool.
  16. What song will forever remind you of 2006? You're Beautiful, James Blunt.
  17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
    1. happier or sadder? Happier.
    2. thinner or fatter? Same-er
    3. richer or poorer? Richer- but it doesn't seem like it.
  18. What do you wish you’d done more of? Again, sex would be good here.
  19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Waiting, whining, eating.
  20. How will you be spending (did you spend) Christmas? With my sibs and my kids. It was a perfect Christmas
  21. How will you be spending New Year’s? At home with the kids I guess. Another wild and crazy night of reckless abandon.
  22. Did you fall in love in 2006? I slipped, and fell in love- yes. Bastard.
  23. How many one-night stands? none, damn, the whole year seems kind of worthless now.
  24. What were your favorite TV programs? Grey's Anatomy.
  25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? There are a few people that I like LESS, but I try not to hate anyone.
  26. What was the best book you read? Holy fuck, did I not finish ONE book all year?? I started three of them. My damn education is in the way of my leisure time.
  27. What was your greatest musical discovery? XM radio. I love it.
  28. What did you want and get? Pierced.
  29. What did you want and not get? Thin.
  30. What was your favorite film of this year? I have seen Cars 1000 times since it came out on DVD, so I think that wins by default.
  31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? 35, and I went out drinking with my friends from work and Kim too- and I had a blast!!
  32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? If the two people that I lost to "location", had not left- that would have been super. Immeasurably more satisfying.
  33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006? I had very little fashion sense, but I realized that my jeans were tapered and I didn't know it, so that tells you something about me. Now that I wear scrubs to work, my fashion concept is "comfort over style"
  34. What kept you sane? Nothing about my life points to sanity.
  35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I love me some Brad Pitt. I even forgive him for shackin up with that little Jolie homewrecker....
  36. What political issue stirred you the most? Policitcs tend to not 'stir' me.
  37. Whom did you miss? My kid and my best friend.
  38. Who was the best new person(s) you met? Probably Brooke and Antonette. They are just crazy ass broads who are bound to get me into a lot of trouble.

    (Side question … whom would you like to get to know better? Jaws and D-man, cause they are both smart and talented and kinda hot too.

  39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2006: Basing a relationship on love alone is as stupid as basing it on sex alone. Love is work. I'm tired of working.
  40. Favorite memory of 2006? Getting my piercing was a big deal cause it's so unlike ME. It was something daring and bold I wanted to do, and I'm generally not a daring and bold person.

And here's another memememememe I stole.

Something different, something funny, something annoying, something surprising, and finally something weird about yourself.

I am not sure what is different about me. Different than before? or different than everyone else? I can be really innapropriate and I think the word "cunt" is awesome, and "twat" is my second favorite word. I work and go to school full time, and I've got little ones at home- but I don't know if that makes me different, I think it makes me crazy.

What's funny about me is that sometimes, I'm just wrong. I make horrendous jokes about things that are really NOT funny, because sometimes I have to laugh at how crazy things get. I'm not exactly a warm and fuzzy mom- referring to my kids as "the punk ass, the sally, and the favorite." The e-husband once referred to himself as 'skelator'- cause he lost so much weight and I had alot of fun referring to himself as "skels."

Something annoying about me~ well, probably the fact that I just don't stay angry. I can't. Maybe it's the ADHD (that I probably have), but I can be furious about something really major- I mean, really REALLY major, and then in about three days, I'm just NOT mad anymore. Even if I should be. There have been times that I had to pretend to be mad at the e-husband just to get my point across, even when I was totally over it and pissed at him about something entirely different.

Something suprising about me~ I have spent many many years feeling less than..., afraid of..., or inferior to... I often find myself so unsatisfied with my personal progress. Feeling that I should be better. A better person, a better friend, a better daughter, sister or friend... My faults tend to haunt me and I tend to be really insecure alot of the time. I really tried this year to come out of my 'shell' and be social, be daring, and be braver, but I still have days when I feel paralyzed by my own demons.

Something weird about me~ Ok, so along with the generalized anxiety and the probable ADHD, there is a touch of OCD as well. I separate my M&M's or skittles by color, and then eat them two at a time. If there is an odd number in a pile, I will eat the odd numbered piece, by itself, until I have piles of even numbers , and then eat each color, one at a time. I do this without even thinking about it.

Ok- so enough about me- tell me about YOU!!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This time last year

  • I was getting ready to leave my job of eight years to start a new job at the hospital.
  • I had decided that I wanted to leave my husband and I was going through a lot of guilt about it.

Currently I am finishing my first year at my new job. I really enjoy it, and I think that most days I'm pretty good at what I do. Lately I have found myself a little less motivated- and kind of frustrated at the pace that things happen. Hospitals can be such political places. Not political in the way that people get in the way- or there's a lot of red tape. I mean, there is, but it we seem to be pretty lucky. But the pace, because every change we try to make, takes cooperation on the part of people who's agenda is not ours. They are not on the same timeline. My boss and I also share an office. Our desks are facing each other. And while I love my boss, sometimes it gets a little cramped and I feel that she's looking over my shoulder alot. Then at times, I just feel bored with it. Sometimes it feels monotonous when progress is slow. Change takes time, especially in a such a big place.

Also, the ehusband and I are separated- and getting along better than ever. That's a strange thing. Not living with him, I actually get along with him. I miss him being around, and I enjoy him being here. But I feel like I finally have control of my emotions when it comes to him. I can love and hate him, and have good reason for both. It makes me sad to think of how much time I spent feeling miserable and resenting him. I know things won't always be this pleasant between us. I'm sure if I start dating things will change. The niceties will end pretty quick, I'm sure. I guess I will burn that bridge when I come to it. For now I'm just enjoying my cake. The having as well as the eating.

I'm thinking about my new years resignations... Hopefully they will be part of Fridays post. Sorry I'm boring today. My head is stuffy.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas 2006

I'm the best aunt ever!

I supplied GUNS for Christmas!!!

I got my kid, and my nephews these Nerf Dart Tag sets for Christmas, so there were 4 nerf guns and 6 kids running around outside shooting each other. I think the girls were better at it!!

There three are my nieces. They are just awesome girls and we had so much fun yesterday!!

I have to admit, this Christmas was the best ever and it really made up for all of the crappy ones.

I'm so grateful for my family. They make me who I am and I'm better when I have them in my life.

Monday, December 25, 2006

St. Nick wuz here yo!

It took until almost midnight for Gabe to finally fall asleep, he was soo excited about Santa coming!! So once he finally went to sleep I set up the presents and the bike.


Then I went to bed. About 15 minutes later I heard a slamming gate, but since my neighbors were unloading thier car, I ignored it. Minutes after that my phone beeped and a text message said, "Santa's been to your house, look on your patio." It was not a number that I recognized so it kinda freaked me out. It was after 1AM!! I wasn't sure if I was going to find a dead animal or something. I don't have any enemies, but you never know.... So I peeked out and I saw a big bag of presents.


She's awesome. So I went out and got the gifts, more things to give for the kids and even a few gifts for me.

(Last year when I was too broke to buy ANY presenst and too depressed to even put up a TREE, Christine showed up on Christmas Ever with an ARSENAL of gifts for my kids. Like I said, she's awesome.)

So I crawled back ito bed and slept until about 7:30 when I heard Gabe wrestling around. He didn't remember at first but then he was pretty excited to go out and see all the toys. He got his "The King, which was what he's been talking about all week.

Santa brought all the kids lots of fun gifts, but Gabe is really at the prime age for this right now!!!

Even I got exactly what I asked for for Christmas.

It even came with a T-shirt!!

The e-husband and the e-inlaws are on thier way here where we will do presents all over again. And then off to my sisters, where we will do it a third time!!!

It's been a good morning so far. My kids seem happy today and I know they will be even happier when thier dad shows up. He hasn't seen them in too many weeks.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rabbits, Chocolates and Jesus.

(and yes, I saw the typo in the Holidailies excerpt- I HATE when I do that!!!!)

So if you are using Blogger Beta, or it's not Beta anymore, it's just Blogger and the old version is called The Old Version.... anyway- it goes though your Google Account, and G-mail always has different advertisement feeds that show up across the top of your screen, like a banner- but not. Usually the ad somehow related to what you have in your inbox. The Adwords are always tailored to words in your mail or your searches. So I logged in just now and the sponsored Ad feed is this:

Rabbit Pearl Vibrator - RabbitPearl.info - Looking to find rabbit pearl? Visit our rabbit pearl guide.

I don't even have to do a search, Google is finding vibrators FOR me. Now that's a good search engine. And you know, that just tells you something about what's going on in MY email!!!

I'm 1AM on December 24th. I am having a bowl of cereal and some candy.

My grandparents have 23 grandchildren, and like 20 great grandkids. There is just no way they can buy that many presents. So we get choclate and cookies for Christmas. This year I got a box of Helen Grace chocolates- and a HUGE tin of sweet cookies and biscuits. For many years we would get the Chocolate letters. But I think with as many as they needed to buy, they never had all the letters.

I enjoy the chocolate and cookies.

About 4 years ago at an office Christmas party, I had a talk with the company presidents wife. They have 4 kids and I asked her how they managed at Christmastime, you know, back before he was the president of the company. She told me that at Christmas, the kids only got three presents each.

"Cause that's all that Jesus got," she smiled and winked at me, "And who are they to think that they deserve more presents than Jesus!"

I thought that was brilliant!! It limits excessive spending, even if I had the means to excessively spend, and it teaches them about humility and limits. And can segue into a conversation about Jesus!! Everyone wins. It's hard for kids, anyone really, to justify wanting more presents than Jesus got for the very FIRST Christmas!!!

Speaking of which, I looked here and found out a little bit about the three gifts that the kings brought to Jesus. Cause what the heck is Frankincense and Myrrh?? Turns out that they were used in religious ceremonies. Myrrh was used to annoint kings. A -ha!!

I am not well versed in Traditional Christmas stories. Whenever I hum the tune of "We Three Kings"- it's always hummed to the tune of Scarborough Fair and I'm tempted to follow up the second line with, "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme."

And you didn't think Simon and Garfunkel did Christmas music...

Happy Holidays!! Have a wonderful day!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Spin the dragon rider lust

Well tomorrow is Christmas eve. I have nothing wrapped, but everything is bought. I got presents for all the neices and nephews, and for my own kids. Nobody over the age of 20 got a Christmas gift this year. I just didn't have the funds for it. But I really feel good about the presents that I bought and I think everyone will enjoy the holiday.

I took the day off on Friday and took Alex to see Eragon. I was not all that excited to see it- I had no idea what it was about. "Dragon Movie"- was all I knew. Alex is definately a movie talker- I have NO IDEA where he gets that from, but I warned him that if he was going to be talking through this whole movie, I was going to sit somewhere else. About 5 minutes into the movie, I started asking him questions- and continued every 10 minutes or so until HE told ME, "Mom- watch the movie!!" I really liked it. It was fun and exciting and that boy who plays Eragon was pretty freakin hot.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Yeah- cougar... I know. I'm trying to find a positive spin for it. But it's hard to do when the facts are that I was watching this movie with my 11 year old son, looking at a 17 year old "dragon rider" and thinkin how sexy he looked when he was sweating. No way to spin it. At one point he took his shirt off. I thought to myself, "holy crap!!" You don't see a whole lot of THAT anymore. At least I don't. And I don't know if I ever thought this before, but I think I could listen to Jeremy Irons talk all night long. His voice reverberates at the base of my spine. Apparently I like to listen to the older ones, but look at the younger ones. It's official, I've become a MAN!!

My eyelashes are fairing well. A few did come out from my incessant rubbing- but I bought some eyelash adhesive and fixed them. The one eye that didn't need fixing, is completely 'poke free.' I don't feel them at all, not even if I blink real hard.

Overall, my holiday shopping was not horrendous. I got it done in about three days and I think I spent within my 'budget.' I really wanted to buy gifts for the sibs and partners. But I just couldn't afford it. I saw some cute things for everyone but stuck to my guns about just buying for the kids. I didn't buy A LOT for my kids- but a few things each. Suitable. Even if I could have afforded to buy more- I would have hated myself for it. I remember years that we didn't buy anything for the kids, but they would never know it for all the presents we got from everyone else.

In the mail today I received the annual holiday "newsletter" that my cousin sends out. Every year I think about something like that but I resist the urge. I much prefer information to go out via rumor mill- it's SO much more informative, and when the info comes BACK to me- I learn more about the situation than I even KNEW!! It's much more FUN that way.

I wonder if Alex will want to Eragon, just one more time... Leave it to me to sexualize a dragon movie.

Friday, December 22, 2006


Do you see them?? They are crawling across my eyelids!!!!

This is what I did today. I got eyelash exensions. Which really is the same gal that would do your nails put false eyelashes on your lids. They look really cool- but they feel really weird. Heavy. And the adhesive is poking my bottom lid when I blink.

So I'm compelled to blink really hard- to keep checking if it hurts. If I blink like normal, I don't really feel it- but it doesn't feel as good as does when it hurts. Nothing ever really DOES now does it?

But I think my morning, the adhesive will have broken up a bit and it will feel fine. Tonight it's just weird- and pokey. It's supposed to last 3-4 weeks, but at this rate, it may just last a few days. I does look pretty though, I have these nothing lashes, and my boys have thes long lucious lashes. Like spiders on thier face.

I just wanted to see what it looked like, and now if I have a special occasion I will do it again. But I doubt I will keep them on after this time.

But they sure are pretty.....

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Question for today- What was autumn like?

Huh?? Autumn?? Oh right, Fall, Yeah, is that over??

I admit it, I live in California. Orange County, California where we do our best to control the climate to stay within the 65-85 degree range and we drive like assholes when we are out of that range. I don't know what it's like to see leaves change color, or snow fall on the ground. It snows in the mountains, but I've never been there. It gets really hot in the valley, but I don't go there very often either.

It gets cold in the mornings. I usually leave for work at 6AM or earlier. And I am cold. From my Secret Santa, here at work, I got a very nice fleece glove, scarf and hat set. I wore the gloves and scarf today. Yes- I wored a scarf and gloves. It was 42 degrees.

Now don't start with the "You don't know what cold is!" schpiel. I hear it from my boss who is from St. Louis where it gets so cold that you lose power! Ok, to me, a place like that is not a place where you are supposed to live. That's too fucken cold!!!! It doesn't have to be less than 14 degrees for me to be cold. I can be cold at 42 degrees. Don't tell me this is not cold. I'm telling you, it's cold.
I'm cold.
Just cause my tits are not frozen SOLID does not mean that I'm not cold.

Weather snobs piss me off.

  • re: the holiday "MEE MEE"
Christmas potatoes are made with potatoes, like 4 kinds of cheese and butter. They are fantastic. They are different from regular potatoes because my sister only makes them at Christmas time.

  • re: Running into the someone who had no idea who I was
I did some shopping yesterday. It wasn't so bad. I also ran into the nephew of one of my best friends at Target. It was funny because I recognized him right away. I have been seeing pictures of this kid since he was 5. So imagine him freaking out when I see him and say "Rich?" he looked at me like like, "who the HELL are you?" What he said was, "Why do you look familiar?" I have no idea why I look familiar to him, cause I shouldn't. He hasn't been looking at pictures of ME for 17 years!! But he was polite. Attempted to catch me up on the family, but of course I know. But it was funny, because I have not SEEN him, up close, in at least 9 years. But it took me about 2 seconds to know who he was. He saw me looking at him, before I said his name, he was probably wondering who this old broad was that was eyeing him.

4 days. FOUR DAYS.

Tomorrow I am having my eyelashes done. I will post a picture.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A holiday meme

Holiday meme- why do they call it a meme? and is that pronounced "Mem" or "MiMi" or "Mem-ee"

1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot Chocolate

2. Does Santa wrap the presents or just set them under the tree? Who?? Oh yeah, that guy. He wraps the ones that are wrappable/ of appropriate size.

3. Colored or white lights on the tree/house? Colored on the tree. I decorate the house with white.

4. Do you hang mistletoe? I ought to hang some over my bed.

5. When do you put up your decorations? Usually the same day I decorate the tree- but that day varies

6. What is your favorite holiday dish? Christmas potatoes.

7. Favorite Holiday memory as a child? See previous post.

8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Always knew.

9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve? Yes.

10. How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? Lights first, then ornaments.

11. Snow! Love or Dread it? I've never seen it.

12. Can you ice skate? I have no idea.

13. Do you remember your favorite gift? For Christmas? Well, last year my friend came over and brought presents for my kids from Santa. That was a fantastic gift.

14. What is the most important thing about the Holidays for you? This year, being with my family.

15. Favorite holiday dessert? Well cheesecake is an everyday dessert!!!

16. What is your favorite holiday tradition? A Charlie Brown Christmas, A Christmas Story and my favorite Christmas movie, "The Ref"
"Why don't you just...eat...me!!!"

17. What tops your tree? A star with lights

18. Which do you prefer giving or receiving? I love being able to find the perfect gift for someone.

19. What is your favorite Christmas song? Winter Wonderland

20. Candy Canes? I always end up munching on them whether I want to or not.

It's beginning to feel like Christmas

I am excited about Christmas this year. That's right, I said it. Me. Excited. Christmas. So far, things have been going pretty well. Alex came home from North Carolina in one peice. My family is going to be together. My kids, both my sisters kids, my brothers kids- and hopefully all of my siblings. It's going to be a really wonderful day and hopefully one that will wash over all years that I felt like hell at Christmastime for one reason or another.

My mom used to do the best Christmases when I was younger. One day she and probably my brothers would put up the tree. This enormous fake flocked tree. In my memory, it was like 12 feet tall- but really, I doubt our ceilings were that high. But you know how you remember things when you are smaller?? So and then the next day we would wait for her to come home from work and we'd decorate it. That was a fun time. She was always baking and cooking and getting ready for the annual trip to whomever was hosting Christmas that year. I remember her baking cookies, and Rockin Around the Christmas Tree playing in the house, and my mom dancing around, making cookies weaking this red dress that was her work uniform. The day before Christmas the kitchen table was always filled with cookies. 5 different kinds. Choclate chip, cookie bars, those ones with the graham cracker bottom and the coconut and choclate chips, magic bars??- oh those are SOOOO good, divinity fudge, regular fudge. Mmmm. I love my mom's cooking- maybe I will have her teach me how to make those magic bars. Maybe I
can make them just as good.

I think all the sibs felt a little displaced when she stopped celebrating. I think we all understood and respected her reasoning. I was 15. I knew it was important to her to return to the faith that she believed in. I was never resentful about it. But I was sad. It was a loss, of sorts. The holidays, to me, revolved around my mom. So when we stopped having a tree, and the decorating party, and the music and the family times- it hurt. I know it hurt all of us in some way.

Maybe that is why I always struggled, because I was hiding. Maybe a little afraid to be happy about it again, for fear that for some reason, the good times will disappear. But I'm trying. Trying to make it fun for my boys. Trying to sing the songs. Play the music in the house. Talk about Santa. I am even going to make cookies and put them out for Santa. The boys deserve good memories. Christmas cookies and Brenda Lee. Bicycles under the Christmas tree and wrapping paper everywhere.

Even though the Christmases ended and all I have left are aching memories of a 'happier time'- at least I have them. I'm grateful for knowing what it's supposed to be like. Regardless of how it changed, and how it affected me. She gave me memories that I hung on to so hard that I thought I could never live up to it.

I was wrong though. It's not about reliving Christmas past, it's about making memories of my own. Giving them memories that they can hold on to. I can't wait.

Monday, December 18, 2006

He left an 11 year old boy.

And came back....

an 11 year old boy who's been living with his dad for 6months!!!

The last day and a half had been great. Having Alex home is just fantastic. When he got off the plane, we had one of those 'airport' moments when I was hugging him for like 5 minutes. He was pushing me off him- cause he couldn't breathe.

As we were on our way down the escalator- I thought- I'm not sending him back.
The little ones are SO glad to see him. Gabe is clinging on to him so hard, even when he goes to the bathroom- Gabe wants to go too. Poor baby. People coming in and out of his life- he's so confused. I took some really great pictures of him and Gabe playing. Wresting. Playing Horsey. Playing Ball.

All really LOUD things.

The younger beastie boys are loud on their own- add an 11 year old- and it's chaos. Good chaos, but chaos. Alex hasn't changed much. He's a little rowdier, a little mouthier. I don't know if that is part of his age, or part of his surroundings. He's living with his dad who is a bit more 'playful' than I am. Playful is a term used loosely. I am most afraid that all the rough housing will cause injury. To Gabe, from bouncing off of Alex- or to Danny, who will eventually bear the brunt of it. They are boys and I am find with a certain amount of wrestling around and rough play- but rough play amongst a 3 and 4 year old, and rough play amongst a 4 and 11 year old are two very different things.
For now though, I will let it go and remind Alex to take it easy. A certain volume will get me to twitch a little bit and ask him to keep it down. I remind Alex to take breaks and go easy so Gabe does not get overwhelmed

But in all- I am so thrilled to have that noise in my house. Every time he walks by me, I just grab him and hug him. I don't even want to think about putting him back on that plane in three weeks.
He already told me he didn't want to go back to North Carolina. I keep telling myself that his dad and I made a deal that he had to finish a school year. But I'm so tempted. SO tempted to try to pry out of him all that he doesn't like about it and have an arsenal of ammunition to call his dad and say "He doesn't like it, I'm keeping him."

But I won't do that- cause it's not right. I let him go with his dad for good reason, and those reasons still stand.

I will just enjoy the beautiful noise for now. Be grateful, so grateful that I've got three gorgeous kids that are PROOF that I have done something good in my life.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Urethra, scrotum, vas deferens, Oh MY!!!

I have mid terms this week, this is always such a frantic time for me. Just trying to cram in the last few hours of studying before the big test. I feel relatively prepared for my Sex Ed test tomorrow. Someone who took this same class with the same teached said thier final was drawing and labeling the male and female reproductive system from the side. The male system has like 18 parts. 18. And it's alot stuff going in different directions. My pictures look like electrical wiring, just going everywhere!!! Urethra, scrotum, vas deferens, Oh MY!!!

I'm trying to come up with some sort of trick to remember the parts and stuff. It's all c*ck to me.


I've been listening to some different music lately. All American Rejects and Blue October. I don't know if this is the music that the kids are calling "Emo". But it's not exactly the most uplifting lyrics I've ever heard although the music is a pretty good alternative mix. I don't quite get the 'Emo' or what that means?? Are those the ones in black with the hair that covers thier eyes and the black eyeliner? All sad and "emo"tional. That was "The Cure"- back in the day. But I really like Blue October. "Hate me" is a really great song even though sometimes it just makes me cry cause sometimes there are things that hit too close to home.

There's a burning in my pride, a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you. Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you loved me just to put it in my face?
And will you never try to reach me?
It is I that wanted space

Some days I miss the e-husband, so much it burns in my heart and makes it hard to breathe.

Other days I feel like I am breathing for the first time in years and it never felt so good.


8 days, Two Final Exams, 10 presents.... I'm ready.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Home Sweet Home

My son has been flying over the US for the past 2 hours. He's about half way home. In three hours I get to go pick up my kid and hug him harder than I've ever hugged him before. It's been 6 months and I've got him for three weeks.

I am so anxious to see him I feel like I have to constantly pee. I can't imagine how much he's changed in 6 months. The funny thing is, we will probably run out of things to talk about on the drive home from the airport.

But tonight I will feel more content than I have since the night he left. My sister said this to me once, and it's so true. You never sleep better than when you know all your kids are safe under the roof you provide for them.

Christmas Funnies

I got this email yesterday- so I thought I'd share it with you lovely people....

Dear Santa
I wud like a kool toy space ranjur fer Xmas. Iv ben a gud boy all yeer.
Yer Frend,

Dear Billy,
Nice spelling. You're on your way to a career in lawn care.. How about I send you a frigging book so you can learn to read and write? I'm giving your older brother the space ranger. At least HE can spell!

Dear Santa,
I have been a good
girl all year, and the only thing I ask for is peace
and joy in the world for everybody!

Dear Sarah,
Your parents smoked pot when they had you, didn't they?

Dear Santa,
I don't know if you can do this, but for Christmas, I'd like for my mommy and daddy to get back together. Please see what you can do.

Dear Teddy,
Look, your dad's banging the babysitter like a screen door in a hurricane. Do you think he's gonna give that up to come back to your frigid, fat mom, who rides his ass constantly? It's time to give up that dream. Let me get you some nice Legos instead. Maybe you can build yourself a family with those?

Dear Santa,
I want a new bike, a Playstation, a train, some G.I. Joes, a dog, a drum
kit, a pony and a tuba.

Dear Francis,
Who names their kid "Francis" nowadays? I bet you're gay.

I left milk and cookies for you under the tree, and I left carrots for your reindeer outside the back door.

Dear Susan,
Milk gives me the shits and carrots make the deer fart in my face when riding in the sleigh. You want to do me a favor? Two words, Jim Beam.

Dear Santa,
What do you do the other 364 days of the year? Are you busy making toys?
Your friend,

Dear Thomas,
All the toys are made by little kids like you in China . Every year I give them a slice of bread as a Christmas bonus. I have a condo in Vegas, where I spend most of my time making low-budget porno films. I unwind by drinking myself silly and squeezing the asses of cocktail waitresses while losing money at the craps
P.S. Tell your mom she got the part, Long Dong Claus

Dear Santa,
Do you see us when we're sleeping, do you really know when we're
awake, like in the song?

Dear Jessica,
Are you really that gullible? Good luck in whatever you do. I'm skipping your house.

Dear Santa,
I really really want a puppy this year. Please please please PLEASE PLEASE
could I have one?

That whiney begging shit may work with your folks, but that crap doesn't work with me. You're getting an ugly sweater again.

Dearest Santa,
We don't have a chimney in our house, how do you get into our home?
Mark y

Mark ,
First, stop calling yourself " Mark y", that's why you're getting your ass kicked at school. Second, you don't live in a house, you live in a low-rent, ghetto apartment complex. Third, I get inside your pad just like all the burglars do, through your bedroom window.
Sweet Dreams,

9 days left till Christmas.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Santa is just a guy in a suit!!

I never believed in Santa. Not once, not for a day. Ever. Not because I'm smarter than anyone, but because my mom was a Jehovah's Witness. We were part of that group growing up. Now it's just mom, but it was all of us for a while. I don't remember when we started celebrating Christmas- my mom left that church when I was 5 or 6 I guess (but went back when I was 15). Maybe sooner, don't remember. Don't get ito the weirdness of that. I don't care.

However, I never believed but I wasn't supposed to tell my unsuspecting friends. Let them 'live the dream'. My mom was pretty good about giving us a few extra gifts that were from 'Santa'- which was kind of a tongue-in-cheek joke. But our non-believing asses didn't get shorted any gifts, at least not until I was 15 and it all stopped, but that is another Oprah.

I was in Target the last week and talking on the phone, complaining about something Holiday related and I said, "Well I can't wait until a few years from now when I can tell these kids that there is no Santa." I said this while approaching the checkout stand.

The guy at the counter looked up at me.
The lady in front of me looked back at me.
I froze.

We all looked around to see if anyone else had heard me.

I was in TARGET, people. You don't exclaim that there is NO SANTA, two weeks before Christmas in a store where there are children. That is worse than saying "Bomb" in the airport.

Nobody heard me, and I sighed. The lady in front of me laughed a little- and the guy at the checkout counter frowned at me. He FROWNED at me. I thought, Oh my God, I am going to be taken out back and shot.

You know, Gabe doesn't like Santa. Screamed holy hell when he came into the room at his Christmas program. We had to LEAVE. Now if he doesn't like Santa, does that mean that Santa doesn't have to bring him gifts??? Cause that'd be a cost saver.

However, if my kids believing in Santa will get them to behave out of fear for getting a 'box of rocks' for Christmas, (Gabe doesn't know what coal is) I'll use it!!!

Santa ought to give me a spanking!!! But you know, that a whole different kind of Bad Santa.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Teenage angst

My best friends daughter has become a hellion. I feel for the girl. She's blonde, gorgeous and tortured. I was like that when I was in school. Well, not blonde.

(yeah, let it slide....)

Anyway, I read her myspace page and I just feel her pain. I mean, I want to tell her something that might have helped me when I was her age. But thinking about it, even now- I have NO idea what the hell I was so tortured about. I mean, it was just this general "miserableness" and no amount of love or understanding from my mom was going to help it. I still fucked off, fooled around with boys and got in trouble. I don't even remember what I was doing it for.

My girlfriend was telling me that if her daughter just did better in school she would not have to come down on her so hard. She would be allowed to go with her friends. She could LIE her mom and tell her she's at the movies when she's really with a boy. That's what we did. We are not stupid enough to think our kids won't do it. That's the normal balance. This hovering parent who insists on knowing every damn thing you do- that's screws up the rotation of the WORLD. My life would not be anything like it is today if my mother knew where I was and what I was doing at every moment of my tortured teenage life. I was somewhat allowed to BE tortured in private. Maybe that's why I grew out of it, I got bored.

I hope she gets bored with it and straightens her act up. She's a great girl, she's not stupid. She's not crazy. She's just tortured. Very Avril. I wish there was something I could do for her. I wish I lived on a crazy farm or something, so her mom could send her to live with her Aunt Julie on the farm, and let her live the hard way for a while. Or that I lived in a quiet country town, so her mom could send her to live with Aunt Julie in the country and she'd be away from whatever it is she's tortured over.

OR- maybe she could just send her to visit me here to California- where she'll fit right in- and being tortured is not even original.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The right side of the pillow

Call me good, call me bad... call me anything you want to, baby....

Yes, I'm listening to Wham! I'm Your Man. I love it. Love Wham! Love George Michael. Get over it.

If you're gonna do it, do it right.
Sing along bitches!!


So when I was little- I don't know how little, I was made aware that there is a right and wrong side of the pillow you sleep on. When you have a bad dream, it's because you have clearly slept on the wrong side. My mom told me this, she wouldn't lie.

I'm talking about this because I shared this with my best friend this morning, and as the words were coming out of my mouth, I realized that I had never really TOLD this to anyone before, except maybe husbands. When I would wake up in the middle of the night crying, after having a bad dream, my mom would say, "Well of course, you're sleeping on the wrong side of you pillow. Turn it over." Now never, in all my 35 years- have I ever had another bad dream after switching to the right side of the pillow. And yes, I know what you are thinking. It changes. You never really KNOW what side is right side, but you definately know when it's wrong, cause you had bad dream.

Gabe checks with me many nights before he goes to bed. To make sure that he's resting his head the right side. Thank God he has not woken up from a nightmare on a night that he has double checked with me first. But in case, I never confirm that it is, I just say, "Well it looks good to me. What do you think?"

When I explained the pillow theory. Well, it's not a theory really- it's fact. It's tested. It WORKS. It's worked for me, my entire life. But anyway, when I told him, you could see the lightbulb over his head. I mean, it made perfect sense to him. I didn't even have to explain it twice. I still have to explain to him why he MUST wash his hands even if he doesn't get pee on them. But he has never questioned the 'pillow technique.'

The other night I had two very bad dreams. One switched into another. Both scary and violent. I rarely dream of violence. Bad accidents, being chased, falling... but not usually violent in the way that people are beating each other or things like that. Which is the dreams I had last night. When I woke up- I just switched pillow all together. No use taking chances. Worked like a charm.

Go ahead, try it. You know you're gonna. What's the worst that can happen??

I mean, other than me being RIGHT about something.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The first time I cried in a Sex Ed class....

This is the exercise we did in class tonight. I will tailor it for reading....

Fold a peice of paper in 4's. and number each square, 1,2,3 and 4.

Do this slowly and thoughtfully....

In square 1:
Write down 4 names of the people who are the most important to you in the world. The top 4 you can't live with out. Only 4.
Now look at the names, think about why you chose them. Think about what they mean to you. What you mean to them. The last conversation you had with them, the last time you hugged them. Do they know that they are the four most important people in your life?


In square 2:
Write down the 4 most important roles you play. Wife, Husband, Mother, brother, sister, friend, doctor, teacher. whatever. Only 4.
Look at those roles, think about the people who are connected to those roles. Your husband, your wife, kids. Do they know how crucial they are to the role that means so much to you.

with me?

In square 3:
Write down 4 goals. Goals for yourself, not goals for others or others goals for you.
Look at the goals. How much of your time is spent working towards them? Why, or why not?

In square 4:
Write down 4 fun activities. 4 things that you LOVE to do. Sleep, sex, skiing, sailing, whatever.
How much time do you spend doing THOSE things? Enough? Too much? How is the balance?

ok. Now look at your 4 lists of 16 items. Recognize that these are the things that make up your life. It's a really important list. The things that matter the most.


From each list, choose a line that you are willing to give up right now. One person, one role, one goal, and one activity.
(I realize that 'willing' is a loose term, but just continue.)

Ok. So now you are down to three lines in each box. Look at the list now. This list is even MORE important. You gave up someone, to keep the other three. Look at square one. Do they know that they are the three most important people in your life? Look at the list for a moment... take it in.

Now do it again. From each list, choose a line that you are willing to give up right now. One person, one role, one goal, and one activity.

Now look, at the list. How much effort is being given to the two things left on each list. Is there enough time focused, enough fun. Look at the people in square one again. When was the last time you talked to them. Were you angry? What did you say? Do they that they are the two most important people in your life? Did you know it before you had to choose it??

Ok- so by this point we are all feeling guilty. Don't worry, you don't ever have to share your answers. Now there are two lines left on each list. They are in no specific order, but #1 is the top most person, role, goal or activity left on your list and #2 is the bottom most person, role, goal or activity left on your list. Everything is pretty much of equal importance within the list now right?

So here comes fate....

Cross off
#1 from square 1
#2 from square 2
#2 from square 3
and #1 from square 4

It's easier when we don't have to choose isn't it?
You could never have chosen one of the remaining two. Lets hope we never even have to choose from the list of four.

What do we know about the last 4 things on that paper? At some point, it could be all you have. Have you paid enough attention? What if all you had left is the role of wife, but fate came and took your husband??

From what square was the hardest to give up?
and from what square do what we most take for granted.

People. The people we love the most, are the ones we generally take for granted.
If fate took them tomorrow, or today- would you feel alright with the way things were left? If you're life was over- right now, would you look back on the goals you had, and the roles you played and the life you lived, and the people you loved the most- and be ok with how you left it?

(in the end we wrote them all down again, and 'got it all back'...) It seemed kinda silly, but it did make it feel better. Thank god we don't have to choose. But what if fate chooses for us? Then what?

Monday, December 11, 2006

Female seeking male, I think.

I was lurking around Craigslist this evening looking at personals. I had never really looked at the personals before, just the rants, which I love. Anyway, apparently on Craigslist people will say "Hey, I'm free tonight, lets' party." Now that is a gentle post. There are women seeking women, mostly women looking to fulfill a fantasy, or looking for a third party for thier husband or something. Men seeking men, which really just looks like guys looking to get laid, but there might be a serious guy looking for another serious guy in there somewhere, it's just not easy to find. Then there are the men seeking women and women seeking men. Those ones seem more like people looking to meet people, for dating, and THEN sex.

Now I am not looking for a date- and certainly not on Craigslist. But while flipping thru the "Men seeking Women" page, I found a few men that seemed interesting enough:

Seeking live-in house slave - 45

No, seriously, that's a real ad.

Anyway, I did find some men that seemed interesting, some cute. But reading this, it becomes even more clear to me that I do not want, nor am I even READY for dating, let alone a relationship. Jeez.

"I would so much like to meet that special someone..." PASS "If you like to be treated like a princess, then hollar back in an e-mail and I'll tell you more about me. " YEAH, SURE, cause us princesses 'hollar.' PASS

Here's one.

Ok, do you know what I saw when I looked at his photo? Suitcase.
DOUBLE PASS. What, you come with fuckin luggage?? No.... no no no. Does that signify baggage?- or homeless, I can't decide. Ok, that was under casual encounters- lets venture back to the M4W section, see if I can find the man of my dreams or at least see if he's looking for me. heh, yeah cause that happens so often.

In second thought, maybe I will just do it the old fashioned way.
What is that again???

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Daddy Issues

There are a few moments in my life in which I truly remember pain. Emotional searing pain. The kind that changes you, that clicks something in your brain, turning it on, or maybe off. When something has happened that is just so very wrong.

One of those moments, the first one that I can remember was when we buried my step dad. I have no idea why we stood there and watched them put him in the ground, but it was the worst moment of my life. It's hard to explain, but I remember that my heart was pounding, and burning at the same time. I had my family members around me. And I just wanted to run. I am not sure exactly what this rush of adrenaline was doing for me, maybe it was keeping me from collapsing. I didn't want them to put him in the ground, it was too permanent. It seemed crude and almost barbaric. I'm not sure.

My step dad is the dad I remember from my childhood, he is the one who taught me how to make spaghetti and grilled cheese sandwiches (mayo, not butter). He was a bastard though, a real SOB who wasn't the greatest guy to me and my siblings. He smoked pot with the teenage daughter who lived next door. Don't even get my older brother talking about him, he'll get pissed all over again. He mellowed around the time I hit 18, probably realizing that my mother couldn't stand him and us kids were the only ones who MIGHT give a damn if he didn't start acting like less of a prick. Most of the men I have dated in my life resemble his characteristics in some way. Go figure.

My real father died when I was a lot younger. I have very little memories of him. Even now I'm trying to count them in my head, but I keep forgetting if I already counted that one. Maybe 5 memories of my own, and they are merely flashes of images in my head, and the sound of my own voice telling the story. I remember for Christmas one year, it must have been the year before he died, he picked out a bag for me, kind of like a book bag, but it was not a backpack, a briefcase of sorts, for an 8 year old. It was dark blue, with light blue plastic trim. I remember he put something in every pocket, a comb, a brush, a mirror. My sister helped him pick it out for me. She told me. I remember once when my brothers and I were staying with him, he came out of the bathroom and he was having a heart attack. I don't know if I went and got my eldest brother, or if my older brother did. My whole memory is of him coming out of the bathroom, stumbling, wincing in pain. The memories are like that. Flashes of imagines that last a second and then fade out.

One memory I have though- he was in the hospital, about to have surgery. He walked us down to the lobby, gown and IV and all- and said goodbye to us as we left. We, I'm assuming is my sibs and my mom- but I don't know. He said I love you. And that was it. He died in the hospital. For almost 26 years, I never really knew what happened. How it happened. Did he die on the table, during surgery? Did he make it out of surgery- I didn't know. Even then, I wanted details, and the question bothered my sibs. He had a heart attack Julie, you KNOW this. Ok- well that was obviously not enough info for me, because I was asking! But I stopped asking- until about three months ago, I asked my mother.

My father had undergone his second Quadruple Bypass Surgery. (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting, or CABG or "Cabbage") He had many many heart attacks- and never stopped smoking. Even after his first CABG, he never stopped smoking. He had a CB radio in his car, so when he would have the smaller attacks while driving, he could radio in emergency and they could pick him up. My mother said that he had been in almost every hospital in Orange County and he never stopped smoking. (Side note, I have NO memory of him smoking.) So he had this second CABG and he was in surgery for a long time. My mom said it was too long, his heart was too weak. After surgery, in Recovery, he had another massive heart attack and died. Maybe he was DNR at this point, I don't know.

There are other stories about that day and I think my sibs see it from a different standpoint. They have their version. I only have someone else's version. I don't remember. I didn't get the call. I was barely nine years old. Nobody expected me to understand anything- but you know, I did. Some time later, maybe weeks, maybe months, maybe it was just days- I came home from school and my dad's old car was parked in our driveway. I have no idea what it was doing there, probably finally moved from the place he lived or something. I remember crawling in the back seat and crying for a long time. I never said anything to my mom or my sibs about it. My pain is my own. I've never been to the cemetery with my sibs. Except when my step dad died later and we buried him one plot over. I never wanted to go with them to his graveside. I deserve to have some moments of my own. My sibs have all sorts of memories with him. All of mine seemed to get washed away. Maybe it was the trauma that made me forget, maybe it's just the passage of time. Maybe that's just what happens when you don't talk about it for a long time. I don't know. All I've got are the spaces that I try to fill, that I've always been trying to fill. My fear of abandonment runs very deep and it took me a long time to figure it out- and now there is no questions why I have it. I don't miss him, that's the thing. I barely knew him. It's been 26 years and I don't remember much about him, hardly even what he looked like. I don't remember the sound of his voice. The way it felt when he hugged me. The sadness I know I felt when he died.

But the absence of those memories are the most painful of all.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Hey Hetero!!!!

I got this email from a friend of mine with this link. It's a Public Art Installation. I am not sure what that means. I don't know if this is considered "Anti-Hetero." Or a way for the gay community to stick the finger up at the heterosexual community. But it's funny, and true. So I thought I'd share it anyway. I don't care what your political views are about it. Bashers will have comments deleted immediately. Get a life. The posters are funny and the blurbs on the website are informative and not 'untrue'. I can get married for any reason I want to, for money, status, even for revenge. And I know gay couples who are more committed to each other than a lot of hetero sexual couples, and they can't. Yeah, something does seem wrong with that.

Click on the picture to see the rest of them!!

Live and Let Live bitches!!!

Friday, December 08, 2006

One More Round

I checked my yahoo inbox this morning and got my MGM Studios weekly email. It had an ad for the new movie "Rocky Balboa". Curious, I clicked over, and watched the trailer. The premise of the movie is that a computer program put Rocky (I believe at his Rocky 3 age) up against the current heavyweight champion and it showed that good old Rock would win. Yadda yadda, lets fight... (The preview is good.)

They don't gloss over his age, referring to him as a "Balboasaurous." Clever. I did not see Talia Shire in the preview either. There was a woman giving some sort of encouragement, but you know, Adrienne never did THAT. So maybe they have a new Adrienne who realizes the futility of trying to argue with a man who's got brain damage. Anyway, I watched the preview, twice. Pauley is still there, making stupid comments, but always being in his corner. I think Apollo's old coach, who coached Rocky in 4 and 5 (don't bother correcting me if I'm wrong, you know how he is) is his coach again. In his corner is that guy, Pauley and his son.

Ok, so after the preview, I though, "Yup, I'm gonna see it."

That's right bitches, I'm going to see Rocky Balboa. Why? After I was so hurt by Rocky 5? Well, cause there's more. I'm a firm believer in more. I spent my childhood watching Rocky movies. When they are on TBS, I watch. I have fond memories of Rocky 3, Hulk Hogan and Mr. T? That's entertainment! The first one, the award winning one, was not my favorite, because I believe that really if the movie is named after you, you should WIN. Either way, the Rocky SAGA has been around as long as I have.

"Eye of the Tiger" was used in the preview, and really, that opening music is ONLY good in Rocky movies, when someone is getting punched. We ALL dig that song, admit it- but only in the context of Rocky.

So yeah, something else on my list of things to do. See Rocky Balboa. C'mon, the trailer ad says "He's back for one more round" - get it, cause he's a boxer. So I will do it, I will get sucked into the story. Cheer for the underdog. And add it to my list of guilty pleasures.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Can you elaborate on "consent"?

Disclaimer: The topics discussed here are simply topics discussed in a class and do not completely represent my personal beliefs.

Here's the set up. I was in my Sex Ed class and the topic was "Atypical Sexual Behavior" covering the following topics.
  • Sadomasochism
  • Fetishism
  • Exhibitionism
  • Voyeurism
  • Frotterism
  • Necrophilia
  • Zoophilia
  • Pedophilia
We talked about what they each were and the class voted on what they felt was normal, acceptable, abnormal, and major psychosis. Leaving out pedophilia, which everyone was pretty unanimous about- it was an interesting conversation regarding what people considered normal and abnormal. The consenting behavior, sadomasochism and fetishism were generally considered acceptable and slightly abnormal- but as a class we didn't feel that there should be any laws against it. Exhibitionism and voyerurism was a bit different. It was more invasive, perhaps needed some laws and punishment attached to it. More Voyeurism than Exhibitionism. Exhibitionism, flashing- I think is frightening to children- but perhaps no more damaging on walking in on your parents having sex. To an adult, we just look the other way. I had someone(s) expose themselves to me twice. Once I was young, and walking home from school. I was sort of confused by it- and walked away, probably pretty fast. It's a hazy memory. The second time I think I was around 20 and he was doing his thing while driving down the street. In a Jeep- I kid you not!!! I pulled up next to him, exposed in all his glory- and I was kind of shocked- but I don't think I was horrified or feeling like I needed legal retribution. In all honesty, I'm trying to remember what he looked like and I smile every time I see one of those jeeps.

I think voyeurism is more dangerous really, cause maybe they start looking across the street, then they are outside your window, then in your bedroom. Yeah, creepy.

Frotteurism is just weird. Frotteur, a french word meaning "to rub." It's when someone without consent rubs thier genitals up against you, perhaps in a crowded subway or something. A friend once told me that in Hong Kong there are so many people and nobody has a sense of personal space so you are just right up against the person in front of you while waiting in line for food. So a 'frotteur' might enjoy living in a place like that. One of my classmates, Mike said "What? That's just dancing."

Necrophilia- ok, weird crazy person- has serious control issues. The class was split on what kind of punishment this guy needs. Life in prison? Counseling? Mental institution? He didn't HURT anyone, really. Of course, I am sure I'd be mad if it was one of my dead relatives this creepy guy was stickin it to. I'd probably be mad that they are still getting it while dead, and here I am not getting it while I'm alive!!

So on to zoophilia, beastiality. We are not talking about donkey shows, that's just entertainment. (KIDDING). But people who really need to screw old Bessie in the pasture, or whatever furry sheep is out there shakin it's tail at 'em. Weird. Not acceptable, definately abnormal. Some people thought it was psychotic. Banging an unconsenting helpless animal. Zack said he thought it was acceptable, not quite abnormal. I went for abnormal- and then I asked him, "Wouldn't you be mad if you found out the hot next door neighbor lady was having sex with YOUR DOG!???"
He changed his mind.

Then Mike, God love him, puts his hand up and says, "You know, a dog will come up to you and start humping your leg. THAT'S CONSENT!!!"

The men in my life

I have three sons. My three sons. The Band of Brothers. The monsters. The Beastie boys- is my new name for them. I will not have anymore, thank you Dr. Humphrey and the magic of tubaligation. Each of them sort of mark a stage in my life. None of them were planned, but none were exactly 'accidents' either.

Alex came first and he's going to be 12 at the end of the month. His name came from my uncle. Oom Bram. (Bruhm) It's a Dutch thing. I don't know why they called him Bram- it's like a nick name. I don't know why- but he was almost Oom Bram, and my dad was Oom Kees (Case) and my mom was Tante Beebs (Babes). Again, I don't know why they didn't use thier real names. My aunts never had these nicknames... But anyway, my Oom Bram, his real name was Alex. Never ever EVER did we ever refer to him as Alex, but it was something we knew. He was my dad's brother, and we used to see him once a year or so when we were young. He was a big part of my childhood, but I haven't seen him in many years now. I think my sister still talks to him via email, but I have no idea why I don't. I loved him a lot as a little girl- he treated me special, I liked to think I was his favorite, but really I don't know if I was or not. Probably not. My eldest brother, Gunny (not his real name) is everyones favorite. Also, the ex husband and I agreed because on that because we never met an "Alex" we didn't like. All the Alex's we'd known were pretty cool. Of course later I did meet an "Alex" who was a girl and I refer to her now as the "the cunt"- but you know, her middle name was Alexandria- so I don't count her. ugh- different story. Ask me later about the way I told off the twat who was trying to steal my husband. (excerpt: "Listen sweetie, I have not decidated 5 years of my life to this man, to lose him to woman like you!!")

moving on....

Gabriel showed up, post sober, in 1992. I know that cause I was looking at ornaments that said Baby's First Christmas- 1992, other wise I might not have remembered. I remember one thing about his birth. It was HOT. It was the hottest day of the year, September 1. And it was hot outside, and the AC in the Operating Room busted, so it was pumping out heat instead of cold. The doctors would not go into the room until I was prepped and ready to go. I was in and out of that room in 45 minutes. People did NOT want to work under those conditions, but I was a C section, and in labor. We named him Gabriel, after the angel. That's it. The angel Gabriel who came down and told Mary that she would be the mother of Jesus. My husband wanted the name, it would be his first son- and I was not going to argue, because really, he was less than thrilled at the prospeect of me being pregnant in the first place. I was shocked, a little frightened, the timing was bad, he was newly sober- like a month. That's what you get for going to Laughlin to escape the 4 walls of your apartment over Christmas when your husband is fresh outta rehab. Knocked up. Ka-CHOW!!! It was good sex though, sober sex. I hadn't been on the pill in a year and never got pregnant and we were having sex several times a week. The first weekend we do it sober- knocked....up..... (wasn't that a Paula Abdul song?)

Daniel shocked us all, just 15 months later. Gabe was 8 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. Holy SHIT!! That is what I said. Holy SHIT. I thought I was going crazy, because my hormones were out of whack, I was struggling to keep up my milk supply and I was exhausted!! The home pregnancy test came out positive and I about had a heart attack. Twice- we had sex TWICE. I was still nursing. I had not yet started my period post delivery (except two days of spotting 8 weeks after) of my last kid. As far as I knew, I wasn't even OVULATING yet!!!! That nursing as birth control is bullshit!! I was certain it'd be a girl. I figured after two boys, and this pregnancy was going to throw SUCH a wrench into my life, it had to be a girl. The bain of my existence, a daughter- holy fuck, help us all!! We decided to name her Grace. Thinking that perhaps a sweet name, and maybe if we only whispered to her. Surrounded her with pastels and soft lighting. Fuzzy animals and classical music, she might not be what my mother always wished upon me, for me to get back what I gave her.

Turned out it was a boy. We rattled names back and forth in our heads, and in the end I named him after George Clooney. Well, not exactly George Clooney, but Daniel Ocean. Oceans 11. I was laying in bed and hearing Julia Roberts voice saying, "I'm not laughing Danny." and I woke up and asked e-husband what that was from. He reminded me, Oceans 11. And I said, "Danny? What about Danny? Daniel." and there you go. My youngest son was named after George Clooney/ Danny Ocean. I was tempted to make his middle name Ocean. But e-husband said no. I still call him Danny Ocean. He's just like him. Always looking for angles. Casing the joint. Weaseling his way out of trouble. Stealing (usually cookies). Maybe he's not the sexiest man alive, at least not to YOU, Jaws, but I like to think of him as my "baby daddy" cause I am certain he was there when Danny was concieved, of not only in my thoughts.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I'm a one word wonder!!

I stole this, but I'm curious to see what I can say with just one word.

1. Yourself: me!!
2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend (spouse): estranged
3. Your hair: black
4. Your mother: babysitting
5. Your father: dead
6. Your favourite item: camera
7. Your dream last night: threesome
8. Your favourite drink: soda
9. Your dream car: Mercedes
10. The room you are in: office
11. Your ex: who?
12. Your fear: death
13. What you want to be in 10 years? content
14. Who you hung out with last night? school
15. What You're Not? thin
16. Muffins: blueberry
17. One of your wish list items: laptop
18. Time: 10
19. The last thing you did: buy
20. What you are wearing: scrubs
21. Your favourite weather: warm
22. Your favourite book: Notebook
23. The last thing you ate: breakfast
24. Your life: changing
25. Your mood: restless
26. Your best friend: laughing
27. What are you thinking about right now? lunch
28. Your car: dirty
29. What are you doing at the moment? waiting
30. Your summer: hectic
31. Your relationship status: separated
32. What is on your TV? radio
33. What is the weather like? chilly
34. When is the last time you laughed? morning

Monday, December 04, 2006

Santa, baby

I think over the years the cynical side of me has ruined Christmas. I started disliking Christmas when I was a teenager, due to some other weird circumstances, but as I entered into adulthood, it became a source or annoyance, irritation and all out stress (not exactly in that order). This year I am trying, really trying to not let it get me down. Try to just enjoy the new direction my life is going and celebrate the season with the kids, despite the fact that things are not perfect. Things are never perfect.
My sibs are asking for my kids' Christmas list. I have never really been a fan of my kids having LISTS of things that they want. It makes me uncomfortable- although I always appreciate an "Amazon wish list" if I need to buy presents for my neices and nephews. I have not had a Christmas list ever that I gave out to people. I can't remember having a list of the things I wanted for Christmas. Ever. Maybe I did- but I can't recall. Certainly not as an adult did I ever have one. Nobody ever asked me for one before.
But I do get 'asked' every year what I want for Christmas. I have been asked again this year. Truly, I have no idea. Gifts for my kids?? That seems the most logical. What do I want for Christmas?? hmmmm. perhaps the Li'l People Airplane, the Harry Potter DVD's, and "Mater" (from Disney's Cars). Yes, those would be nice, and I can white elephant them down to my kids and it will save me both money and time.
One year I asked Christine for crib sheets and baby wipes. Logic tends to override my Holiday Spirit. But here's my gratuitous Christmas wish list, just the same:

  • The ability for my eldest brother to fly back and forth to New Hampshire every single day to see his daughters.
  • A quick and simple divorce for my older brother
  • A fish finder that works for my dad
  • A house for my step-sister
  • A cure for Autism
  • A SILVER SUV for my mom, with the DVD player, MP3 player and GPS system.
  • A housekeeper, cook, and driver for my sister and her husband
  • The chance to "turn it all around" for the e-husband
  • Whatever I can do for Christine, ever.

For myself? Maybe straight hair, a 10 dress size, the ability to wear high heeled shoes again, all my kids living under the roof of a big house that I own, a man who is successfully employed, sane, sober, minimally "baggaged" with no criminal convictions, emotional disorders, physical ailments who is emotionally available and generously 'equipped' (yes THAT).

And if that fails, I have a list of DVD's and books I want on Amazon.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Seldom seen, by anyone!!

Last night in the car I heard on old song that must truly be the most beautifully descriptive, and sappy-ass love song I've ever heard. I knew all the words.

Love, soft as an easy chair.
Love, fresh as the morning air.
One love that is shared by two
I have found with you.

My parents loved A Star is Born when I was growing up. I probably saw the moving 100 times and I know all the words to the entire album by heart. I never paid any attention before really- to how beautiful the lyrics were, cause when you are 8, you don't DO that. From my memory, that love story was not exactly "soft as an easy chair." I've been in love a few times- it's never "soft as an easy chair." Besides, chairs can be a little uncomfortable in the beginning, until you sort of 'work it in'- then it's YOUR chair- but then after a while, you start to question the functionality. Perhaps it's not big enough, not soft enough. Sometimes it becomes too soft. You start to wonder if it was worth the money. And really, is THIS the chair I want to sit in for the rest of my life??

Like a rose, under the April snow.
I was always certain love would grow
Love, ageless and evergreen.
Seldom seen by two.

A rose, under the snow- ok that is a little more like it. Now, living here in California- where it NEVER snows, let alone in April- where it doesn't even always rain, it makes even more sense. To describle love as a rose, under the snow in AUGUST. That sounds more like it. It's bad enough that there is snow, but why the hell is it snowing in AUGUST?? That is more like the love I can understand. Harsh weather at the wrong time- fucking up what is supposed to be delicate and beautiful.

You and I could make each night a first
Everyday a beginning
Spirits rise, and the dance is unrehearsed
They warm and excite us
Cause we have the greatest love
Two lights that shine as one
Morning glory, and midnight sun
Time, we learned to sail above
Time won't change the meaning of
One Love
Ageless and ever Evergreen.

Gee. Sounds nice huh? Lovely. Exciting. New.
Yeah, not buyin it. I think many of us were raised with the ideals that we are going to meet up with the ONE guy who is the perfect guy. Who fills the empty spaces and completes whats missing. I believed this, even though I saw the struggles my mother went thru with my dad- who I believe she truly did love very very much. And even on TV, my other role model. I saw so many movies and tv shows filled with these tumultuous relationships- that really tend to be more reality these days.

But then songs like THIS get into the heads of impressionable young girls. Leaving them to believe that there is a prince charming out there who will ride me, I mean- THEM- away on a white horse, that love is evergreen. My mom was so concerned about me seeing sex tv. Hell, that stuff is real. Sex, if you are lucky, can be the most connected you ever are with yourself- primal and alive.

Maybe it's just the cynic in me. I think it's more realistic to let kids watch sex on TV other than filling them with the fantasy of some evergreen love. I think they are more likely to have the sex.

But then I did sit and sing the whole song??

Hmm, perhaps I just like leaving the door open, just in case.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Enjoy the Silence

This week I opted to NOT pay my cable bill and just turn it off. Here's my reasoning...

My cable bill is about $120 a month. I have the digital cable and the digital plus, so my kids get Noggin. Plus I have all these movie channels, cause I like watching movies. And in two rooms. So $120 a month. I could use that money elsewhere, like, Christmas, or you know... food.

So here is what I have discovered, after two days of no TV. (DVD's excluded)
I turned the cable off on Thursday, and of course I can barely get REGULAR TV without it. So I didn't have it Thursday night or last night (I watched Grey's Anatomy on-line on Friday morning, don't worry). What I DID notice is this:

  • Thursday night, I fell asleep at 10PM.
  • Friday night, I fell asleep at 9PM

OK, I am usually up past midnight. WAY past midnight on most nights- usually reaching towards 2, or 2:30 AM. The television is always on in my house. I don't 'get' people who say, they are not TV watchers. That's CRAZY. I love watching TV. I have always loved watching TV. I am afraid of TiVO and DVR because I am certain that I will never leave the house if I was able to record everything I want to see. I resist the temptation to record it on VHS. I commit to two shows, Grey's Anatomy and Brothers and Sisters (thank God for ABCOnline and I can watch them on the web!). I enjoy many other shows, but those are the only two that are must-see TV for me this season. The rest is just gratuitous. Mind numbing pleasure that I don't feel bad about. I'm a grown up, I can do what I want. If I want to watch a whole season of Friends, which I am known to do- I don't have to run that by anyone. If I want to sit back and watch soft-core porn, or even hard core porn, I can do that (assuming the beastie brothers are asleep).

If the kids are home, they watch it- if they are asleep, it's on. Even if I'm sitting here at the computer, the TV is on behind me, and I'm sort of listening to it. I have "listened" to many TV shows, news reports, comedy specials while sitting at my computer, back to the TV. The e-husband used to laugh (term used loosely) at me because it was as if I was afraid I would miss something, if I wasn't always watching TV. My argument to this is that I was up watching TV at "past midnight- thirty" at the first attack and Operation Desert Storm began, back in 1990something, so there. Sometimes it pays to be up at ungodly hours, you just MIGHT miss something.

What I have been missing, however, is sleep. One of my major complaints is that I'm tired all the time. I never get enough sleep because I'm up studying or writing papers, of blogging, or chatting on line. (Incidentally, Thursday night I was chatting with my very best friend on line, and I was too tired to chat. WHAT?- TOO TIRED TO CHAT?? That's just the CRAZY talkin!!)

Maybe, now stay with me, MAYBE- if I just focused on ONE THING. Be it studying, or writing papers, or blogging- WITHOUT the television on in the background I can get things done faster.

Or better yet...

My brain will not be distracted and on overdrive, enough so that I can actually turn it OFF and fall asleep at a decent hour? Could it be?? Is TV leaving me with some sort of ADHD affect to where my thinking is in too many places and I'm unable to turn it off. Is there a negative correlation between hours of sleep and hours of television watched? Is it possible that too much television is affecting my brain somehow??


That's about as crazy as saying that what's in my fridge is related to the size of my ass!!