Well the war is on and there won't be any winners.
I emailed Michaels parents today because I was concerned that he hadn't taken his medications and that I felt he needed help taking care of himself because it seems like he is not consistent. I was not trying to go behind his back, because I knew he would find out. His parents are NOT on my side. They didn't call me- they called HIM and told him what I said. I knew they would and I am fine with that. I am worried about him. I can't help him. He can't stand me. But his parents have been pretty involved with his recent hospital stays and I wanted them to be in the know about what's going on. He claimed he was taking the pills from the bottle and not the daily pill case we set up. I think that's bullshit, because why would he open 8 different bottles of pills, 4 times a day when they are already separated and ready to go in a nice handy case. But whatever.... just keep handin out the bullshit until someone believes you.
In anycase. He is very angry. I don't remember what he accused me of trying to do. I am not sure if he thinks I was trying to score points or turn people against him, but I was not. I will gladly forward the email I sent to his parents- I make no apoligies for my actions.
He claims he does not need me, so I told him to get the fuck out. Plain and simple. It's ugly. It's only going to get uglier. He wants to hate me, I should just let him. If I do something hateful and mean, he gets angry. If I do something nice, I am sending mixed messages and he gets even more angry. I just want him to leave. I think that's been made clear. There's no confusion about that.
I fear it's going to get worse before it's over.
I'm so sorry he's making this your fault. But, if its not your fault, then he has to take responsibility for it. That's not what he wants to do. It will probably get worse, but it will eventually get better. Don't forget that people love you.
The anger fuels him, but if you hadn't have told his parents then you would have been "uncaring" and that would have made him mad too. As you know, this is about him. Please don't make it about you. I am glad to see you are trying to move on...may God give you strength!
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