Alex is in North Carolina visiting his cousins. Gabe and Danny had thier kindergarten promotion on Wednesday. This was the third time Danny got the chance to sing with his friends. He did- one song. He sang and did the little hand motions. And he kinda cried. He's just not comfortable being in front of people.
Weird, and he's MY kid.

Gabriel is much more outgoing when it comes to things like this. Much more outgoing than Daniel, even if he is generally more sensitive.
But really, look how cute he is....

Ok- kid fawning aside. Not much else is going on. School is out today for the little ones, Alex's last day is Tuesday. Summer is here, although the weather would make you think otherwise. I hope it gets sunny soon, because swimming is the only thing I can take these kids to do that doesn't cost anything, lasts for HOURS, and they have a blast doing it. So bring it on sunshine. I don't work all day to have to TAKE my kids someplace to entertain them.
I'm going to teach Alex how to ride the bus this summer. If he wants to go to the mall, or go to the beach- I don't want to have to drive his ass everywhere. He can take the bus.
No- I didn't take the bus when I was his age, but I was admittedly lazy.
I know... I suck.
I'm off my game.
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