Today I helped out at the H&I Chili cookoff. At first I was feeling out of place because I was sort of standing there alone. But of course all the people who were coming to volunteer were coming after the meeting, which was still going on, I had volunteered for the earlier shift. I think the AA's were not going to the Al-Anon booth because it was Al-Anon, like "what did they put in the chili....?" Of course the booth next to me smelled pretty good, and everyone seemed to be going there. I did not get a spiritual reading, I was tempted, but I don't really believe in that, and also maybe I just don't want to know. Alex had fun, I'm glad I brought him with me. Eventually I will explain all this to him.
Later when more people from our group showed up, it was fun. I laughed. I exchanged numbers with one girl who I have talked to a few times. I told her I would call her this week, I will try to follow through with that, just for practice. She's nice. It was nice seeing these people outside of the meeting, even though it was still a Program function. Hopefully they will want to get to know me better as time goes by.
The majority of people at the Chili Cook-off were men. I don't know why that suprised me, I guess that AA is generally more men than women. It was encouraging to see all these people participating in recovery. They didn't seem like a bunch of addicts- as my perception of them would be. They were laughing, and talking and hugging and being a part of life. I didn't see anyone crying or fighting.
They gave out chips at the meeting. I thought it was weird for an Al-Anon meeting to do chips. I mean, it's an AA thing, but it was exciting to see people celebrate being there for a year, three years, 7 years and 23 years!! We cheered for them, and I was happy for them and I didn't think it was weird at all. I guess I should find out exactly when my Al-Anon birthday is- so maybe after one year I can get one too. One year of showing up consistently. That is definately something to look forward to and celebrate.