I think I have found the best thing to happen to my period since pregnancy.
INSTEAD of shoving a wad of cotton up my twat.
INSTEAD of leaking on my panties.

It goes in like a diaphragm, sits up against your cervix. It doesn't attempt to absorb, which I know I have talked about before and it just doesn't work. These work. For a LONG time. I don't have a heavy flow and I can wear it for 10 hours. Not a drop.

The changing of the cup is sorta like surgery without the scalpel. Here's what I go in with:
The cup
Two disposable gloves
A peri bottle of water
Some lube
(the last three are not required, but I suggest it).
Put on one glove, reach in to the vag with one finger- bear down a little bit so the ring slides forward pull out- and empty it into the toilet. I use the peri bottle and rinse the ring off a bit and then use the rest of the water to rinse myself off. Turn the glove inside out with the ring inside. My attempt here is so as not to LOOK at it. You don't have to rinse it off either, but I just prefer it.
Dispose of the glove with ring inside it.
Clean up.
Put on another glove. Put a small squirt of lube on my gloved fingers and then lube the outside of the new ring. Stand, foot on the toilet seat. Make the Figure 8 with the ring push in into vag until it rests behind my pelvic bone. Dispose of glove.
yeah, it's a bit of a process- but it only takes 5 minutes. and then I don't have to do it again for TEN FUCKING HOURS!!! If you have a heavier flow then you'd do it more often. Even on my heavy days, it's not that heavy.
So there weird part is this:
SEEING the blood. I am not used to actually looking at that much blood in the toilet. The first time, I admit I got a little queasy. But really it's not THAT much. (I read that you really only loose about a cup of blood over the entire course of your period. And I doubt I lose that much, so really, it's probably less than an ounce.)
Grossed out yet?
Well, like it said- it was weird the first time. But now I'm on day three of my period. Clean panties and I'm happy. It leaks a little bit when you are using the toilet, but it's ok THEN. I hear you can have sex with it in too, just put in a fresh one so in case it does spill there will be very little. Super score.
They also make the Diva Cup, which is reusable and the Moon Cup, also reusable. And a sponge. Seriously. A SPONGE!!! I want to try this too.
If you have tried any of these- share with the class. Please.
1 comment:
Yeah, Instead rocks. Seriously. I've been known to claim it's a diaphragm when I want sex and my guy doesn't wanna during that certain time o'the month. Again. Instead rocks!
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