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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Half Nekkid Thursdays- I'm all lips and hair.

Ok that SOUNDS way dirtier than it really is. My hair is ALMOST long enough to do that thing where it covers my breasts and I can walk around on a nude beach and have my breasts covered.. almost. And I probably would not walk around on a nude beach anyway. It just isn't ME to do that... well, not totally nude anyway.

So I've gotten some emails from old high school friends and since I upload this to my facebook account, some of them are peeking in and reading my blog here. While I first thought to sensor myself, I have recieved about three emails from people who have said they like my blog, that they relate to my issues, that they think I'm kinda funny and sorta brave for being so 'out there.' I know, the don't know the half of it right? Anyway- so I'm not gonna sensor myself, because I have realized, that while many of us were very different when we were in our individual high school bubbles, we're really not that different now, 20 years later. We all have hang ups about our bodies, our husbands, our kids, our mothers, our asses. It just happens and we are not so different anymore.


And while I'm still the trampy one with her bra strap hanging off her shoulder- the other girls don't look at me the way they used to, or at least they way I thought they did.

Thanks girls... I appreciate your sentiments more than you know.


Stay at home mom said...

Beautiful lips indeed!

Ashly Star said...

You have lovely lips and you know I love your sexy hair. Happy HNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Very wonderful and brave not to censor yourself for others. :)

And you have no need to, for you're only going to make people feel *more* comfortable with themselves...and that can't be a bad thing. :D

13messages said...

I admire you greatly. Nice post.

Osbasso said...

Told ya they wouldn't mind!

I Smile 2 Much said...

Your mouth and your hair are insanely sexy and gorgeous. I LUV your lips. So sexy. HHNT

An Artist Exposed said...

A truly gorgeous photo! HHNT!

Jennybean said...

Us trampy ones need to band together!

Great pic

Happy HNT!

swingerwife said...

Not a damn thing wrong with being a tramp,sweetie! Love your hair and those lips!! Oh my...delectable! HHNT!

Vixen said...

I love your hair and ADORE your lips!


garbonzo said...

Absolutely gorgeous!