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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh my God Becky....

I'm watching the debate and Twittering it with my friends. My favorite twitter:

"Oh my God I want to vote the shit out of Obama!!"

Are you registered yet by the way?? Less than three weeks!!

Alex wants me to vote for Obama. He thinks that John McCain is a bully.


13messages said...

McCain's party doesn't deserve him. He won't get my vote, but I think he's a heck of a lot more decent than the lot of them.

Obama's got my vote.

Nice shot. Superman's colors.

Osbasso said...

Gotta love a woman who can talk politics and quote Sir Mix-a-lot in the same post!

An Artist Exposed said...

Great HNT!

D-Man said...

I'm voting Labour.

swingerwife said...

Ummm...can I vote for you instead??

Nice butt!

(and yes, I'm registered!)


Ms. Inconspicuous said...

Registered and ready.

Now is that what I'm supposed to wear to the polls too? :D

Alex is one smart guy. ;)

Old Bogus said...

Such luscious, kissable buns. I vote YES!