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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

TMI Tuesday.

1. What can you consider as the greatest thing you've ever done for/ to yourself?
Go to school and get my education. I'm almost done. 91 days (and 2 more years for my masters degree.) It has done more for my self esteem than it will ever do for my wallet, although I am looking forward to that too.

2. What/ Which part of your life you think you could have done better and why?
I could have taken better care of myself. I would not have started smoking, and I would have exercised more.

3. Do you have that one person whom you consider to be the wind beneath your wings?
I think really, it's my cousin Lori. She has been a constant support for me for so long and even when I do things that are not cool- she doesn't judge and will still help me pick up the pieces when I break. She has been my college adviser, my designated driver, my psychologist and my best friend.

4. Tell us about your longest relationship.
The e-husband and I have been together for about 10 years now. Married for 8. If you didn't know, it's sort of a love/hate marriage that is convenient and inconvenient in the same sentence. I love and hate him in the same breath. He fills my empty spaces while he creates huge gaps in my heart. I don't know if I would say he was the cheese to my macaroni, but he is definitely the boiling water that cooks the noodles. (Ok, well...whatever.)

5. In a relationship, when do you get to that point of enough is enough?
Apparently, never.

Bonus (as in optional):What is that one intimate moment with someone you miss so much and what are you willing to risk to have another moment of it. ;)
I really do miss when the e-husband and I used to be madly in love and could not keep our hands off of each other, long before the drinking and the drugs and everything else that could possibly go wrong in a marriage. I miss the idea of living a long happy and loving life with him, and I guess I am risking a future with someone else to try to relive that with him.


Mariposa said...

Love how you answered #4, that sounds to familiar! And for the bonus...do hope if you get to relive it...you're not risking anything. ;)

Congrats in advance for your up coming graduation yes? :)

Happy TMI T!

Ashly Star said...

Loved your answers! Yours usually rock though. =) Happy TMI.

Lori M said...

Awwww, thanks, Julie. :) Love you!!!

Cousin Lori