About Me
- Julie
- Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
2 weeks
Yesterday I finally told Gabriel that his dad is now living with his Aunt and he won't be coming back home to live with us. Ok, I told him while we were in Target getting ready to buy him some toys with the birthday money he got from his Grandmother- but it was the first time he asked, "when is Dad coming back from the hospital." I might have told him sooner, up until this point, I let him assume Dad was still IN the hospital. This was his first week of school and all- no need to upset him.
So I told him, and he was upset, but then distracted by the toys he could buy for $50. He even bought something for his brother.
In two weeks I have yet to get this house cleaned, but I can tell you that there is already a better energy in this house. I can't say that the husband was the one bringing in all the bad energy- I'm sure it was coming off of me in waves of anger and resentment. I truly feel this is better for everyone. Alex agrees that it's a lot less stressed in the house. That I am more fun to be around. He likes not having a 'bed time' but he still goes to bed around 10 or 10:30 every night.
We are all excited about the prospect of finding a new place to live. Even though we will be moving farther away, I plan to keep the kids in the same schools as part of my commuting process. Carpool and free toll roads if you have three or more in the car. It will be tough, but you know, spending extra time in the car with my kids every day is better than no time with them at all. Alex will be getting his license sometime next year- he can drive home sometimes.
Chris has not been around as much, due to his work schedule but the kids really like having him around when he is. Gabriel has taken to him nicely, and while he sometimes struggles with guilt, I've assured him that he's not being unloyal to his dad by liking Chris. Even his dad likes Chris. He's a likable guy. Responsible, hard working, fun and handy around the house. The decision to move in together is one we have been talking about for a while. It was all a matter of time- when Mike moved out and such. He's been around and around the boys for a few months now. They are used to him and him being here. I have asked them all- how would you feel about Chris moving into our new house (when we find it) with us. They all agreed that it would be great. Lots of big changes, and while I am usually one to handle one change at a time, this time I think it's best to make them all closer together, so we can adapt and move on together.
This week while I am still looking for a house in the Inland Empire, I'm also looking into buying a new car. Well, a used one- but new to me! My van is on her last gasps of breath and it's time to turn the old girl out. I can't wait to drive around in a zippy 4 door sedan with air conditioning and well aligned tired.
So life is changing, and the living is good. I'm calm and happy and so are my boys. That's what matters right?
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
smoking or non smoking?
I have stopped and started about 25 times in my 25 years of smoking. I would smoke and then stop for months, or even years- maybe having a hit or two depending on who I was with and if they were smokers. My first and second husband was and is a smoker. My boyfriend is a smoker too.
I can say my first time to really stop was before my oldest was born, that was when they put that whompin tax on tax on cigarettes and they went from $2.50 to $5 bucks. So I pretty much stopped buying them for several years until I met my current husband, and then I would smoke 3 or 4 a day. Up to a pack a day if I am with smokers, or in New York.
When I met Chris, he was smoking electronic cigarettes and cutting back on regular ones. I tried it out, and thought it was pretty cool. He had two of them so he let me use the other one when we were out. Then I bought my own, a different brand and one for my husband. At this time Chris was thinking I should not be smoking at all as it became clear that I was not just smoking when I was with him. I was starting to smoke regular cigarettes as well. After much arguing about that, with both Chris AND my husband, I agreed to just smoke the electronic ones. Well the brand I bought for my husband and I, well, I didn't like it much so I hijacked Chris'- since he went back to regular cigarettes full time.
What I love about them is that I can smoke them anywhere. It's not smoke so technically I can smoke it in a restaurant, in my office and other 'non smoking areas'. It's vapor, it doesn't smell like anything . So my clothes don't smell, and either does my breath. They have fancy flavors like the one I'm enjoying now- coconut. I love my e-cig and that I'm not taking in all the 'crap' that goes with regular cigarettes. No tobacco, no tar. Just good old nicotine. yah!!! Is it expensive? not hardly. Maybe $10 a month for new cartidges and I refill them with $10 refill that lasts for several months for both myself and my husband.
There is no HEALTHY electronic cigarette. I'm not going to pretend there is. There are some risks that I won't go into, you can google that. The other down side, is also the upside. I can do it anywhere. So I do. I admit I'm hitting that e-cig like a crackpipe. I suspect I'm taking in more nicotine than if I was smoking regular cigarettes less often. I can, and will start getting the refill liquid with less concentrations of nicotine, maybe down to the lowest amount of 8mg, as opposed to 36mg, which is the highest. Maybe even eventually 0 which would just be vapor and flavor.
If you want to quit smoking, I think this can be helpful, but I admit for me- it got me smoking again- just without all the obvious negative side effects. So I'm a smoker, but then... not really. Well, ok- kinda.
Monday, August 08, 2011
Confusing Dreams
Last night I had a dream that I was in NYC and I got into a cab, and the guy drove and drove and I ended up in Maryland. Maryland of all places, where I've never been before. So he says "we're here" and I knew I wasn't where I was supposed to be. I was in Maryland, I somehow KNEW I was in Maryland, even though I have never been there before.
The driver would not take me back to New York and I had to get out of the cab. We were at some sort of liquor store, and I got out of the car and went close to the store and picked up my cell phone. It was dead. No battery. I had no charger- and where would I have plugged it in anyway?
I thought, "Stacy lives here in Maryland" surely she will come get me, even if it's hours away from where she is. I grabbed my phone again, seeing a pay phone up ahead. Of course, the phone was dead. I couldn't even get her number off the phone. There was a phone book so I picked it up, then remembering that Stacy's last name is like Jones or Nguyen. A million people have a last name like that. So I couldn't call her.
It occurred to me then, that everyone thought I was in New York. That nobody knew I had been dropped off in Maryland, and I had no way of contacting anyone. I was stuck, alone, nobody would find me, I couldn't let anyone know where I was. I was stranded, in Maryland.
I'm not sure what it means. Why Maryland, and why wouldn't the NY cabbie drive me back? I was just lost and alone and I don't even know why I was there in the first place. Why would I have asked to come to Maryland?
Anyway, I woke up a little irritated by the whole dream, still trying to figure out what it's a metaphor for. I don't feel lost, or alone, or abandoned. I feel fine. Why did I find myself lost in a strange place?
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Open, not over.

Saturday, June 11, 2011
If there is a heaven...
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
a mothers thoughts
Monday, May 30, 2011
May flowers.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Last week I got a call from the Principle of my sons school saying that he said some very mean and degrading things to his ex girlfriend on Facebook. Furious, I ignored him for a day- took away his cellphone and iTouch and then considered what I could do that would not only be punishment, but also something that he could LEARN from. Forever a student, I came up with this idea. Have him write an essay about his crime. I gave him a week and exact instruction. This is what he came up with. I think it's great and as we have talked, he agreed that he DID learn something. I hope this was a beneficial lesson for him as after he turned the paper in to me, he talked my ear off about it. :)
He has to turn it in to the school principal too.
Why am I writing this paper?
I am writing this paper because on Saturday, March 19th I had committed “cyber bullying”. I had intentionally yelled at my ex-girlfriend, and said some hurtful things to her. She had done nothing wrong yet I continued to yell at her saying that she could go to hell, she was dead to me, and that her new relationship wouldn’t last. I regret saying them as they have cause her much harm. I was angry at I pointed it at the last person I was mad at. I am sorry for saying that.
What is cyber bullying? What are some forms?
“Cyber bullying” is when one minor (child, preteen, teen) is made fun of or bullied over a digital device from another minor. The digital devices include phones or computer instant messaging. Usually the victim is tormented, harassed, humiliated, or threatened. Cyber bullying can only be present when there is a minor on both sides, or started by a minor towards another. Parental involvement turns it into plain cyber-harassment or cyber-stalking. The two kinds of cyber bullying are direct attacks and attacks by a proxy.
Direct attacks are when a minor sends messages directly to the victim via text or IM. The child may send a mean or threatening message to the victim. This also includes “warning wars”. Warning wars are when children “report” or “flag” each other via a website. This can lead to getting kicked off a site for a certain period of time. A child may also create another profile on a social site and use that to attack the victim discretely. Some may also send death threats through text or IM’s using photos and videos.
Attacks by a proxy are when the minor has someone else send the messages either with or without that other person’s knowledge or “doing their dirty work”. Most of the accomplices are used without knowing they are cyber bullying. This form of cyber bullying though, is the most dangerous kind as it often gets an adult or parent involved. Warning wars are also included in this because with enough people “flagging” the victim they will also be kicked off the site for a certain period of time. Most cyber bullies get the victim angry enough that they say hurtful things back, and when the service providers (the people receiving the flags) check to justify the report sent to them, it looks as if the victim is the problem, thus making the service provider the accomplice in this example.
- Over half the teens and kids are bullied online, the other half engages in cyber bullying.
- 1 in 3 minors have received a threat online.
- 25% of kids and teens have been cyber bullied through cell phones or IM.
- Over half of the victims DO NOT tell their parents they are being cyber bullied.
- Less than 1 in 5 cyber bully incidents have been reported to law enforcement.
- Girls are more likely than boys to be engaged in cyber bullying.
- Boys are more likely than girls to threaten or be threatened through cyber bullying.
- All races are victims or cyber bullies.
News Story
- The Megan Meier Myspace Incident
Megan Meier was a 13 year old girl from Missouri who had met a person on myspace whom she believed to be a nice boy in her hometown. It turns out that the “boy” was a group of kids and adults who intended to humiliate Megan because a friendship had taken a turn for the worst. After finding out that the new boy was a lie and the new friendship was over, she committed suicide. This act of cyber bullying caused state government officials to pass harsh cyber bullying laws.
- The “Dog Poop” girl
In South Korea a college girl was on a train when her dog pooped on the train floor. When the girl refused to clean it up, a nearby passenger took a picture and posted it on the internet. It soon became viral (popular, something lots of people had seen) and the girl was open to extreme harassment. Some people learned her name and where she lived and she soon had to drop out of school and move to another part of the country.
Cyber Bullying and the Law
Many states have cyber bullying laws and others don’t. Some states consider it a crime and are punishable by law to serve time in juvenile hall, or others give just a fine. In California there is a law in place that allows schools to suspend or expel students for cyber bullying.
How can I prevent myself from cyber bullying?
In my essay, I have learned a lot about cyber bullying. I’ve learned about many of the dangers of it. It was wrong of me to attack like her I did, and could have had repercussions that I did not intend to happen. If it had gone any farther than it did, I could have been suspended or expelled. I will not be part of cyber bullying, and next time I will be more considerate of other people’s feelings. I will simply walk away or not talk to said person if I have nothing nice to say to them or about them.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
nothing more than- feelings
Yesterday was a lousy day. Sometimes I have them. I woke up from a bad dream and spent the entire day feeling "afraid of, less than, and inferior to."
My life is on the verge of change and change terrifies me, even if its good change. I am always left wondering, what if I fail? What if I can't roll with the changes? What if I'm not good enough for the big shoes I have to fill. In my career as well as my personal journey I am moving on to bigger and better things. My fear is telling me that I won't be good enough. My fear is kind of a loud mouthed bitch.
These things happen. I have learned to roll with the bad times as they simply can't be avoided. All the anti depressants, anti anxiety meds, unfriend/ unfollow writing and meditation in the world cannot stop those days where I just feel fear and insecurity about many number of things. I have learned that I have to FEEL my feelings and they are not wrong- but they are not facts. Feelings are not facts. I do not make decisions based on fear anymore, not without facts to back them up.
Weeks back, MrX had me do a Needs vs Wants list. All day yesterday, I kept asking myself if my needs or wants are being threatened by the thing that was bothering me. The answer was no. Even as I felt my mood go through its swing, the answer was still no.
Fear that is backed up by facts is helpful and in some ways can save your life. Fear for the sake of fear... it holds you back. I have spent many many years of my life held back.
Just breathe girl... you can make it thru this day.
I can't be told, "cheer up- life is good." I know life is good. My life is several shades of an awesome rainbow right now. Really. My life, for all it's struggles does not suck.
So I rolled through the day. I let myself be frustrated. I cried a lot. I vented some feelings. I reminded myself that this is today. I can get through today. If my 12 step work taught me anything it is that you can only life one day at a time, but that today is not always an indication of tomorrow.
Before I went to bed I noticed that it was after midnight. I made it. Today I am feeling better. Much better. I have an exciting day ahead of me and I can't wait to see MrX and my friends tonight.
What is that song? "What a difference a day makes."
My 12 step sponsor once told me "'This too shall pass' works in both directions. Bad days will end, but so will good days." (I know, depressing isn't it??) But it reminds me of the one thing that still saves me from those bare knuckle fights that I have with fear and insecurity.
Feelings are not facts.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
It made me wonder what would be in my boxes? Would I be able to throw them in the fire?
That box of body image issues I have been carrying around since I was 20? 19 years of body shaming and never feeling like I was sexy enough. 19 years of dieting, only to have the diet fail and me proclaim proudly that I like myself no matter what size- until I have a 'dress' to fit into. How many fucking diets did I go on, in order to fit into a dress. I'd like to burn all the dresses.
That box of "slut" that I keep just so I can take it out and prove that it's ok. Yes I like sex, shut the fuck up about it. I'm a PROUD slut god-damn-it and you can't shame me. I own that- I even have a box to prove it? And inside the box, a collection of lovers I never gave a damn about. Partners that I used to get love or to chase love away. Sex that I got to prove that I could. And sex that I traded to avoid punishment, or to manipulate. I'm proud of all that... aren't I? Fuck it, toss it into the fire.
The box of regret. Oh that's a heavy box. You know what's in there. Everything I didn't do. Don't even look. Just douse some lighterfluid on that bitch and in it goes.
The box of fear. Holy crap thats way in the back- give me second on that one.
The box of failure. The one that I have allowed to define me all these years. In that box is the simple idea that I will never be better than my greatest failure. That no matter what I do well, I will always be remembered for the the time, the thing, the situation that I fucked up. I will never be more than the day I disappointed my mother. I will never be smarter than then my worst grade. I will never have a job better than the one I got fired from. I am only as strong as my failures, and I have failed spectacularly, so don't get your hopes up kiddo. Yeah, torch that box. Lets put the contents thru the shredder and THEN light them on fire. Wow, that doesn't even seem like enough.
The box of relationships. The ones I have held on to. The ones that got away, the ones that left. The mementos, the letters, the pictures. The loves that I was so certain were the one for me. The man I wasn't good enough for. The one that no man will ever live up to, or maybe the love I won't allow myself to live down. The lid is worn on this box because I keep opening it, looking in to see if there is something I missed. I have the contents of this box memorized. I don't need the box anymore.
Ok fear, you bitch. In to the fucking fire you go. You are kindling for my soul and I just won't let you rent space in my mental closet if you aren't going to keep me safe. If I'm going to be afraid of something, its not going to be the same shit I've been afraid of since my 20's. No, I will find new fears and I certainly won't keep them in a box. No, those new 'fear' bitches are going to kiss my fucking boots and walk behind me. (or so I would like to think)
So once I get rid of all these boxes. All the things that are holding me back- what do I do?
Sunday, January 02, 2011
the family bed
What are your thoughts??
Saturday, January 01, 2011
It's a new day, it's a new life.
I have not been kissed at midnight in a long time, except on the cheek from Alex- but that hardly counts. I enjoyed a nice kiss from MrX at a party with some friends. Shortly thereafter, someone bumped into me, spilling my sparkling cider on my sweatshirt. Well, that's ok.
So I've decided to write mildly about my relationships here- without being at all disrespectful to my family or my husband. I came home from my New Years eve plans and drifted to sleep on the couch. Michael came out and we talked about my evening and then he put me to bed, tucking me in and kissing me goodnight. I am grateful for our friendship, even if sometimes it kinda sucks. For all intents and purposes- he's my life partner, until the day it's decided that he's not. We can co-exist together for now. One married day at a time.