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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Tomorrow is the big Joint Commission survey for work. What we've worked for for two years. It starts at 9 and one woman is going to walk our hospital, look at our processes for stroke patients and spend a good portion of the day crawling up my data. 1200 patients, over two years and 95% of that data was collected by me. She is going to come in, look at my work and hopefully not tell me "YOU DID IT ALL WRONG!"

This is a huge day for the hospital, for my department, and really the future of my career in health care. Hopefully getting our certification as a Primary Stroke Center will be a good selling point when my boss present a new job description for me to get a big raise. It will put me in a position to be SEEN at work, as someone who was very instrumental in getting our certification. Big wig people will be at the evaluation, and certain questions will be turfed directly to me. I have to be able to speak with authority. I admit that is not my strong suit.

It is not that I don't KNOW the information, I know it, I understand it. Sometimes I just struggle to articulate it and I open my mouth and out comes the word vomit. blech blech blech.

I have copies of the presentations that will be given so I have an idea of what questions she will ask. I have to remind myself that I KNOW this stuff. I know the data, I know the measures, I know the protocols. I know my stroke data.

I just gotta prove it and not sound like a fucking idiot in the process.
Wish me luck.


Blissfully Wed said...

Good luck!!!


Blissfully Wed said...

Good luck!!

~Him ;)

Rambeau said...

Oops, sorry, too late for me. Hope you had good luck!

Stealth said...

*echoes sentiments above*

love you girl

