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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hot Nekkid Thursday

Well, it WAS hot for a few days. Sunday it was 100 degrees here, but today it barely hit 70. Strange weather for California- it rained two weeks ago.

This is the new swimsuit I bought for the summer though. It's a two piece, but the top is longer and flowey and covers what I want covered. I love it.

Hows the weather where you're at?? Is it hot enough to get Half Nekkid??


Tess said...

Black is the only acceptable swimsuit color! And that one looks lovely on you.


Vixen said...

I really like that on you. Very flattering!

It is NOT swim suit weather here. But there is def a theme this week, lol.

happyHNT! xoxo

MarcelloNYC said...

The weather is variable -I hate that.

I want consistency, but I will be in Punt Cana D.R. on Monday so i am happy.

HHNT, Your new bathing suit looks very sexy!

Blissfully Wed said...

The weather here is "hot and bothered."

You have me all transfixed now.


Lapis Ruber said...

18C here and raining, but that pic is certainly raising the temperature where I am sitting. Happy HNT.

Greg and Sheryl said...

Indeed, the weather has also been up-and-down in Colorado. We'd love to see you wearing that at the beach, someday!

I Smile 2 Much said...

i'm here w/ u in cali. some crazy hot days we've had huh?! u are ROCK'n this suit, sexy girl. u look gorgeous. happy hnt ; )