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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Zoning out.

"You don't cook and you don't clean house. What exactly do you do??"


I know, feminists are cheering and my domestic friends and cringing. The laziness I am famous for is not something I'm proud of, but afflicted with. It's not that I don't know HOW to clean- or HOW to cook- I just dislike them to the point that I have justified myself in thinking that it's someone elses (read: husband's) job to DO it because I make the money and he's the ummm... stay at home person.

However, I still end up doing about 50% of the housework. Which doesn't mean that my house is clean 50% of the time. I think I do about 50% of the 50% of the time that it's clean. The husband cleans the rest of the 50%, and notably does it better than I do. Which means the house is a disaster about 5o% of the time. I came home today and my eye went to two different eyesore areas that I just had to do something about. So before I sat down, I picked two 'zones' and cleaned them. Now before I can actually 'soap and water' clean anything- I need to get to the surface- that is always a feat.

In this electronic world we live in, there's still a fucking LOT of paper in my apartment. Kids bring home school work, flyers, projects, paper books, blah blah blah. It stacks and piles. Right there on the 'other side' of the kitchen table. That was the first zone. Tonight, I cleaned it all. I threw away 90% of the papers I just knew I needed to keep now I have 80% of a dining table.

My next zone was the coffee table, aka, my homework/ writing/ sitting on my fat ass watching TV area. It's covered with school books, homework, tax papers, toys, calculators, chapstick, coffee mugs, hair brushes and mousse for my hair. It's maddening. So I cleaned it off. Now there is one school book, one reading book, a remote control... chapstick, a hairbrush and mousse for my hair. (then I go to bed I will put those away.)

I can't vaccuum cause it's almost midnight. Tomorow. I will just do one zone a night and work my way through the house. Maybe I'll be done by next thursday. But for now, I have a clean table so while my fat ass watches TV tonight, I can put my feet up.

1 comment:

Old Bogus said...

You work. He doesn't. Where does the 50% get justified? You earn the "bacon"; he does [part of] the housework. Where's the equity?

You aren't unique. I know many women just like you. And don't understand any of you.

Being a man can be so confusing.