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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

I can't hold back.

When Alex was 5 I took him to the movies for his birthday. It's become kind of a tradition, just the two of us. He picks the movie- we each junk food. Good times to be had by all- or at least that is what it's supposed to be.

Really, the idea was better when he was 6 and we were still seeing cartoons. I can handle cartoons easier than I can deal with Mall Cop.

Mall Cop.

A question- why is it that the previews in the theater are so fucking loud?? Do they think we can't HEAR?? Oh my God- it's like being in a Metallica Concert, only Metallica now works for DreamWorks. It makes me insane- and it happens every time. Too loud. I'm not just saying that because I'm old- I'm saying it, because I don't usually bring ear plugs with me to the theater.

The movie in itself, was just silly. It was funny, in a ridiculous kind of way- with moments that adults could appreciate, like the lochness monster tattoo after a night of drunkenness. No matches on dating sites, and really how peanut butter just fills the empty spaces in the heart. Ok, maybe that part is just something I can appreciate.

I've always had a thing for security guards. I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's oddly true. Maybe because the jobs I have had made it necessary for me to interact with security a lot. At my old job, I used to hang out with the security guard, Joel, who was really cute and who liked hot choclate and the Steelers.

Anyway- so Kevin James is one of those big handsome guys that I tend to gravitate towards. If you know me, you know that I like the big guys. It's the daddy issues, I can't stop them. However, they were pretty firmly halted for two hours today.

There was something oddly endearing about the characted he played- the awkward guy with lots of useless facts. The going nowhere job and the crush on the hot girl was pretty cliche. Maybe I didn't watch the previews- but the story line surprised me, I guess I wasn't expecting so many people to get... um... beat up. I guess you could call it that.

The best thing about this movie was the soundtrack. I found a link HERE that lists some, if not all the songs from the soundtrack.

Survivor, I Can't Hold Back. It's like Eye of the Tiger.

Without Stallone.

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