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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

HNT- jailbait

Since I was going through old pictures, I thought I would take some time to post some of them. This was spring break 1986. I was 14 years old. The summer before the boobs came in. When I could still wear half shirts and dolphin shorts. I was a twig, and even then I thought I was fat and I hated my body.

This was the summer I met Matt Patterson and who was my first long distance boyfriend.

He lived approximately 10.5 miles away from me.

Ahhh the unfairness of it all.


Osbasso said...

SO many naughty things going through my mind right now....

Vixen said...

Aww, that is such a great pic!

...sigh... Memories...


lecram sinun said...

That's adorable! Cheers and Happy HNT!

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

U r looking very cute in that pic. It's always interesting looking back at old pics. Its usually the fashion of the time that is so trippy.

Great stuff.


The Ogre said...

And sadly, jail bait is still more common today, with the girls thinking they need to grow up so early and trying to pass off being of age. Gotta card 'em all!


oldfashionmomma said...


Blissfully Wed said...

Cute pic.


Cosima said...

I was 14 in 1986 too, but I would never post pics of me from that time... big hair standing up in all directions... aah, the eighties...

Happy HNT!

Keyser Soze said...

OK, it's official. If you could be arrested for what you were thinking I'd be headed off to jail. Buh bye. HHNT!

word ver: uzsgupmp

u suga pimp?

lime said...

oh my, i remember being a twig and thinking i was fat too. just crazy! sweet shot.


Bunny said...

Gorgeous jailbait! I imagine more than a few were tempted . . .


Moosekahl said...

you are adorable! Happy HNT

Semi-Celibate Man said...

Very, Very Cute! Happy HNT.

Lapis Ruber said...

In 1986 my eldest girl was 10. She grew up to be a beauty too. Happy (belated) HNT

The Guess Who # 2 said...


What a great picture!

(you're a smiling cutie-pa-tootie, gurl!)

HappyHNT (belated)
