So last night I went to the American Idol Concert. It was so great. So much fun. So here's my recap. I had notes, but now I can't find it. Each of the top 10 did 3-4 songs.
10. Chikezie started the show. He was a good choice. He did "Caught Up" by Usher and that was pretty good. He got the crowd going.
9. Ramielle. This girl is so fucking cute it sickening. She's like a lollipop with hair product. Her voice sounded good though. She is not sexy yet. She tried to sing some sort of R and B tune but she didn't pull off the sexy. Adorable and sweet, she sang Taylor Dayne's "Love Will Lead You Back" and it reminded me of someone I loved once. Brought a tear.
8. Michael Johns. Yeah see me screaming like a fucking teenager. He came out with We Will Rock You and then we are the Champion.
It's all Wrong but It's all right. Yeah, panty dropper. right there baby- right there.
I still can't believe he was let go so soon.
7. Christy Lee Cook. She didn't impress me during the show. She should have left the week she sang God Bless the USA, but we all know that song saved her that week, and she sang it yesterday too. I hear she already has a country contract. She did do one really good song
6. Carly Smithson. Oh I love her. Her voice is clean and strong. She came out with "Bring me to Life" from Evanessence and also did "I Drove All Night" by Cyndi Lauper. Behind her on the screen was that neon lights from Times Square (similar to below). I started to cry.

5. Brooke White. She's sweet. She sounded good. She did Let it Be on the Piano and that was good. On the show she kept getting more and more nervous each week. It was very nice to see her just come out and sing. She has a crisp voice, but I wonder, if she got a contract- what would she sing?
The intermission: Why are we watching people play Guitar Hero??
4. Jason Castro. Ok, I didn't like him much on the show. He was good- but he bored me. He didn't have much flexibility. Tonight he sang "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" which is perfect for him. He also did a version of "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley, that I admit was pretty awesome.
3. Sayesha. Fantastic. She sang "Listen" from Beyonce and Dreamgirls. I cried again....
I am alone at a crossroads
I'm not at home in my own home
And I've tried and tried
To say whats on my mind
You should have known
Now I'm done believing you
2. David Archuleta. Thousands of pre-teens went into puberty last night. He sings like an angel. Really. His voice is beautiful and the estrogen was at an all time high.
1. Yeah.... you know. He was so good. I screamed like a 12 year old and jumped around and danced and went wild. He opened with "Hello" which was a great song, but with everyone screaming, a more upbeat song might have been better. He did "Time of My Life," "Don't Wanna Miss a Thing," and "My Hero" which was awesome. He total rocked out on that one, in true Rock Star form. It was awesome to see his dreams coming true.
I had such a great time. If you loved Idol this season, or even really liked it a lot, this is a great show.
Cougars for Cook baby... Call me the Captain.
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