It's amazing that we made it this long, considering that we've been through so much. Lets put ASIDE the drinking and the drugs. We've gone through and continue to go through some serious financially lean times. We are a one income family. Two kids that were unplanned. The death of his grandparents. The moving away of both of our older kids. The death of his brother in law.
We went through a bankruptcy, and eviction, stolen cars, repo'ed cars, and break-ins.
On TOP of that, there was the drinking the first few years, the drugs for a few years and then the health problems for the last four or five years. And me going to school and just the stresses of having a family.
Nine years, and not really ONE of them could be signified as GOOD.
The year after Gabriel was born was the LEAST bad. His drinking at the time was limited to once a week. He was diagnosed with diabetes, but it wasn't all that bad. He was only hospitalized 4 times that year. Then I got pregnant with Danny, and well- it all REALLY went to hell.
The other day he commented that he wished we could do something nice for our anniversary. Yeah, well, you know I can't afford to take us out to some place nice, and really what for?
What are we celebrating anyway?
Here's to another year without bloodshed...
yeah- sure.

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