So for those of you who don't know- the main reason I went to NYC was for this.

Yes it was my birthday weekend, and yes it was a girls weekend. LOTS AND LOTS of girls weekend. I met some of the finest and sexiest bloggers in New York or anywhere else, I'm sure. My girl Lilly came down from PA and hung out for one night also and we had a blast!
Now you know how weird I get in social situations. How I worry about doing something stupid, or falling, or spilling my red drink on someone wearing all white. Of course this was weird for me- but you know, these are my people.
For those of you in the know, I am known as someone else in other circles. And that someone else is way braver and cooler and hotter than the Julie you know and love. Insane, but true. So I was there, looking fantastic in my new dress, rubbing elbows and anything else I could rub against.
It was a blast and it was great to meet the people I chat with so often. I laughed because most people knew my hair, and my blog name, but by first name- there were some blank faces. Once the blog is identified.... then the sparks of recognition, and hugs and groping ensued. Ah the groping.
1,2...6 drinks into the night and I was happily rubbing up against my favorite writers, few of the sexiest bitches and butches a bi-girl like me could ever hope to score. And yeah, there was some scoring to be had. But I won't go in to that.
The after party simply cannot be spoken of here- cause this is just not that kinda place. um.. no.
For as much as the party was the best time I'd had since, well, my last trip to NYC, brunch on Saturday was amazing. 10 of us, unmade and natural, laughing and giggling and eating- and kissing. There was lotsa kissing. First it was amongst the others, but not to be left out I said, "hey- I came all the way from California! Doesn't anyone want to make out with ME?"
So yes, making out with me happened too. Ahhh- women are really soft- but the sexy butches I did my best to make an *ahem* good impression on were not at brunch, cause to make out with them woulda been.... ahhhh, worth the explaining AND the bi-curious gender confusion.
I'm still putting my pictures together- but here's a fave of mine. Me and Tess at brunch, this was after we made out. See how happy I look?