Gabriel had his first dental work done yesterday. He was not blessed with good healthy teeth. He brushes and all that- but if his father or I are any indication, well, yeah- he just wasn't blessed.
We have new Dental Insurance, a PPO. The First PPO plan I have ever elected for. We are an forced to be an HMO family because paying a % of good care is good if you don't have someone who is hospitalized 8-10 times a year. It just isn't possible. But this year I opted for the more expensive dental plan, realizing that the work that I need done is not going to be covered at ALL by an HMO so I'd rather pay for a percentage of it, than pay for ALL of it. Anyway... Gabe needed nerve treatments and crown on a few bad cavities. 4 of those. AHK!
It turns out that there was an abcess and they needed to remove one of those teeth. So they did that.
The dentist office I chose is popular in my neighborhood as it specializes in Children. Ok, that works fine. There's a few things I had serious issues with.
a) Papoose Boards. I am not even going to look it up and link it, cause it just makes me sweat. I discussed my concerns on this with his dentist, a very nice, young attractive Indian lady who assured me that they LOOK scary but they are really necessary. "I will have sharp instruments in your sons mouth. If he flails his arm, and hit me- I could cut his lip right off."
ok. fine. I don't like it- but I work in a hospital. I understand when restraints are for the patients own safety.
b) Parents are not allowed in the room when the work is being done. Ummm- what?? Why not? What if he's scared- what if he needs me? The dentist assured me that when parents are around, kids tend to play it up more. You know how other people tell you that your kids are SOO polite and so well behaved, and you just don't see it? It's like that. If I am there he will scream and cry and throw a fit, but generally when the parents are not there- they don't do that.
ok. fine.
So I prepared Gabe yesterday, using the terms that the dentist used and he seemed all good. At one point, AFTER they told me about needed to remove the tooth I could SWEAR that I heard him screaming. A mother KNOWS the sound of her childs scream. You know it, cause it's like running a blade up my raw spine and splicing it open. I turned and looked towards the front desk, past the other people- and it was as if nobody else heard it. I felt like I was going to pass out.
I breathed deep, sent a text message to someone (who clearly missed my point) and then just sat for a few more minutes until Gabe came out. Looking a bit misty- big gauze in his mouth. The lovely young dentist called me over- gave me further instructions. He needs to do the last crown still- and he will need a spacer for that missing tooth until.... the new one comes in? (can't remember). I asked, was that Gabe I heard screaming?? She said no... he was pretty quiet and very sleepy the whole time.
I asked Gabe, who didn't seem traumatized at all. I asked if it hurt and he said, 'no not really'. He said it was tingly. He said it was a little pinch like they said. I asked if he cried, he said no. Well.... ok. Maybe the screams in my own head just SOUND like my children.
Oh- and when we got back to my mom's house, I mentioned that he had to go back one more time. THEN he started... screaming and crying and throwing a fit.
Well I'll be damned...
And his dental work is NOTHING compared to what I've got coming.
1 comment:
My little one had a tooth pulled with conscious sedation -- we were allowed to be back with her while the sedative took effect, then we had to go out to the waiting room. I distinctly heard her scream (but my husband and older daughter heard nothing because they're not her mother), but when she came out, she didn't remember anything bad. I believe that the drugs they use for conscious sedation prevent memories from moving from short-term to long-term memory, so she may have experienced the pain and suffered and screamed, but she doesn't remember it. So it haunts me, but not her. Weirdness...
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