I was in the chair. Mentally prepared. In the interest of time, I opted not to take the drugs Something in my mind wanted to get the over with, even if it meant that I would experience it all. I had my iPod and opted on The Hold Steady, all three albums to get me through this.
Without warning, the chair went backwards. I turned down the music so I could hear her. Open your mouth, said the voice. She was neither warm nor cold. Just so. My eyes saw the stick and the white ball going towards me, entering my mouth and the the rubbing. The taste. The tingling. She kept on for short seconds and then reached behind her.
Fuck, already?
I closed my eyes and in went the instruments. I turned up my music. Poking. Once, twice. She gave me a quick warning before each pinch, but worked quickly. "It's ok, honey" she said. But never stopping.
Hands out, and then back in again, "This one will hurt the most. Well second to the worst." Sharp and deep, but she rubbed my nose. "Focus on your nose. On your nose." She demanded. It was twisted sensation play. Focus on another body part while I tear up this one. Hands out, and then back in. "OK- this is a big one." The needle felt enormous going into the tender skin. I winced, maybe it was a groan. She ignored me, she was not concerned. Hands out, chair up and she was gone.
Alone. I stared into my surroundings. I grabbed my blackberry, twittered, texted. While the sensation left me. I was alone for what felt like a long time- but I'm sure it wasn't.
the girl entered the room, the assistant. I could only see her emotionless eyes and the pink streaks in her hair. The girl didn't speak, offered no comfort or calm. The chair went back and She returned. Her fingers went into my mouth again. Why this comforted me, I don't know- but it did. The latex gloves maybe. Perhaps it was because I felt safe with her in control. Confidence that she knew what she was doing- and she was going to do it without any word from me.
Music on- and we begin. It seemed simple enough to begin with. She moved between the difference spaces, going to each area, digging, pulling. The girl with the vacuum in my mouth. She seemed to rub it across my tongue a lot. I felt a design. I focused on it. I focused on the music, on the tapping of my feet. I was not there. Do as your told, Julie- and focus somewhere else. Behave. Don't struggle. Be a good girl.
Yes somewhere- my sick and twisted mind turned this into a crazy D/s scene and that is what calmed my brain. She was in control and the girl was her sub assistant. I would open my eyes to see instruments, the girls eyes behind her mask. The rubbing of the vacuum across my tongue. Fingers in my mouth, pressure, pain. Music. It was fast and hectic. It hurt, but was not torturous. I always knew when it was the big pliers. Something about the feel of it as it grabbed me. I knew. Then pressure. More pressure.
My hands grabbing on the arm rest- clenching. I was shaking from the shots, heart racing, more pressure she said, no kidding-bitch?? More pressure... closer, shaking, pressure, and give. It was like an orgasm- but without the pleasure. She was raping my mouth and I was paying for it.
When she spoke to me, I would turn down the radio but she mostly didn't other than to command me to move. Wider, Up, Open. She moved quickly, and without reason that I could determine. Some parts more stubborn than others. Then the drill.
I turned the radio loud, trying to drown out the sounds until the music was piercing my ears. I wanted to be gone from this. I wanted to stop but there we no safe words in this scene. It had to just be finished. Almost over, honey. She said. Hands out and they left the room.
Don't call me honey, you bitch. I thought. My eyes still closed and there was a bright light behind them. I put my hand over my eyes and waited for their return. I felt that they were gone a long time. Giving me a break so she could go to the victim in next room, I supposed. Until she returned again. My blood still on her gown. New gloves and her fingers back in my mouth.
The drill again, but this time I felt it more. I heard it louder. It was in my head and I could not escape it. She was pushing with the big tools, pushing lower. Why all the damn pushing, was she putting them back IN- or taking them out. I knew not to ask questions, but I wasn't sure. But I was feeling this. Wincing went to groaning, louder, until she stopped. She punished me for stopping her with the needles again. Big needles, under my tongue- in my cheek, jaw, roof of my mouth. The assistant stared down at me. Emotionless and focused. Like she was enjoying this. Perhaps if she tried to help me, she would get the needles too. I didn't blame her for following the lead. Clearly neither of us were in control of this situation. She just held the vacuum, sucking out all my blood. Not once did she comfort me. Not once did she grab my hand, or stroke my arm. No, she was enjoying this. Watching me helpless, violated.
Again. She was frustrated now- more forceful and impatient with my lack of cooperation. She was pushing against me, my neck straining, my face sore. I tried to will myself to let go. So it would stop. Please stop. No.
To the other source of her frustration, on top. She drilled, and pulled. Drill. Pull. Fuck, I wanted to stop. Please, just leave it. She grabbed and pulled- there was no more needles. This was all. My eyes started to tear, but she did not stop. I moaned out, but she did not stop. Drill. Push. Pull. "It's just a tip" she said, finally stopping.
I wiped my eyes as she went back to the bottom. My eyes closed, I did not want to see. I felt the big tool again. I was frustrated and trapped. I was done with this. I turned up the music. The Hold Steady, Yeah Sapphire. Loud.
My head was spinning. Loud music. She held my mouth open at my front teeth, I focused on the latex against my lip. The vacuum brushing, hard metal against my tongue. The bitter taste from the needles. She pushed harder this time. I felt it on the other side of my face. More. More. I held my breath and grabbed on to the arms. More.... Harder. I heard it when it happened. Release.
"There it is...." she said.
Vacuum, suction, rinse. She finally seemed slightly pleased with me.
Fucking Bitch."One more- this tip." and she went in once more. One more, I told myself. I was pissed off now. Willing my body to cooperate. Drill. Loud, echoing in my skull and I could not drown it out. I couldn't feel it, but I could hear it- louder than anything. The big tool again- I decided, for the last time. I was so exhausted I wanted to sleep. I hurt to open my mouth, but I did as I was told. Just fucking do it, I thought to myself. Just do it and leave me the fuck alone. Pressure... harder, more. It was killing me and it felt like she was draining my eyeball though my gums. It was sadistic torture, she kept going and I didn't wince or moan. I was stoic, quiet, angry.
Just fucking DO IT! and release.....
Fucking finally.
The rest, I practically slept through. The bone file, the sutures. This was just for her sadist pleasure now, and I didn't care. I was done. I was exhausted.
She shoved padding into my mouth, gave me some directions and left the room. She was done with me. The assistant sat me up and wiped of my face with a wet towel. She smiled at me, finally. "All done" she said, her eyes warming. She was pretty.
Sore, exhausted and dizzy, I was still somewhat shaking as I left the room.
What the hell just happened?