I have a new love for cappucino. I'm hooked on it, and of course in typical "me" fashion, it's not the Starbucks kind, just the kind from AM/PM is good enough for me. I cannot afford or justify a $1.50 drink every morning when I can have a cup of coffee at home, or even Starbucks brand coffee at the office- but maybe three times a week, I will get a cappucino. Yesterday I bought a can of cappucino mix from the store. It was about $5.50. It will probably make about 10-12 cappucino's. Last night I made one for me and one for Michael. Then he made himself another one. (I warned him about the caffiene level, but he didn't believe me.)
This morning I asked him if he'd like a cup of coffee. He asked if I could make him a cappucino. Ugh!! I said no, I just bought the can- I don't want to go through it so fast. We have coffee, and flavored creamer. He would probably want 2, and then later tonight, 2 more. And the mix is gone before I know it!!! What is that?? I mean, why does he feel he's entitled to just have and have and have.... I'm glad I said no. I bought it for ME. I don't mind us both having a cup but I'm not going to let him just drink it at the same rate he drinks everything ELSE. I really ENJOY my cappucino, I love the taste. I'm not going to let him just suck it down- just for the sake of doing it. I'm annoyed that he even asked. It's mine. I enjoy so few things. I don't buy alot of things for myself. Coffee is so much more cost effective. It tastes fine. It gives the same general caffiene effect.
I'm not going to make a deal of this. I said no, he dropped it. I guess it's over. He can't just drink all the cappucino. Period. It's for me. Some things can be for me... that's ok. I don't have eto feel guilty about it, although I sort of do. I think that is why I'm so bothered, cause I don't want him to drink it all- but I feel quilty for saying no. Well, I am going to have to get over that. It's not as if I am so greedy and don't share things. Remember the pie?? He's not going to just restrain himself and be thoughtful about it. It's ok for me to want some things for myself. I know it is. I will just learn to live with this guilt.
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