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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Things that bug me

Fat free mayo- what's the fucking point?

Asking me for thing I don't want to give you, like cigarettes or money for cigarettes.  However once you've asked and you can see that I'm annoyed, don't UNASK, because I'm already annoyed. No need for both of us to miserable.  

Cruelty- I really don't see the point in hurting people's feelings. Not EVERYTHING needs to be said outloud.

People who think that you have to be 100% honest all the time. Sometimes its ok to just shut the fuck up.

People who say that their pets are their kids? Really? Why can't I say the same in reverse? Why can't I let my kid eat meat that has falled on the floor. I get that your pets are important- of course- but let's have some perspective.  If my son has an illness with really high medical bills, I never have the option to just 'put him down'.  

Water snobs- look I prefer a good bottled water, but if you can tell the difference between Evian, Dasani, and Arrowhead, you just have too much time. Get a life.

People who insist on putting down the things that I'm in to.  Hey, I am a blogger and I also like Twitter and Facebook.  If you are not in to those things, then don't do them, but don't hate on me because I like to do them.  Why do I need to incessantly tweet everything I do??  Why do YOU have to question and put down the things that other people like to do?  Suck a fat one.  Click away.

Now, maybe your pet is your thing....  I'm not gonna put that down- however.  Don't push your little dog on me, and I won't MAKE you read my Twitter Feed.  

You do your thing.  I'll do mine.


Deanna said...

Does this mean, you aren't going to puppysit my dog???

Vixen said...

Seriously?! You mean you want me to refrain from Twittering about my dogs/cats/goats/horses/chickens/ducks....

*snort* Ok. LOL