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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

TMI Tuesday #117

1) Do you have/ever had any dating or sex superstitions? (Wear 'lucky jeans' on first date, always light a vanilla candle, etc.) If so, what are they?
I think I've been true to the the third date rule.

2) If you were stranded on the old deserted island, and a genie appeared who could only grant you one wish -- to bring one of the following people to join you, who would it be?

- your spouse/significant other
- an unrequited love or some person you've had a crush on
- an old/past love
- your best friend

This is a good question. I don't think my husband could make it on a deserted island, and old/past love or the crush could end up disastrous. I think the safe bet would be my best friend.

3) Tell us "weather or not" you're in the mood -- how does rain, snow, sleet, scorching heat, sweltering humidity etc. affect your libido.

I'm more apt to have sex in humidity or heat. I tend to equate rain with cold, and you know I hate being cold. I'm more apt to cry when I'm cold, crying rarely equals sex.

4) Are you a crying drunk, an angry drunk, a 'I'm drunk, let's screw' sort of a drinker? (And, if you do not drink -- which one of those things is the reason?)

Liquor drunk will make me dirty and slutty. The clothes just sort of melt off.
Wine makes me sloppy and silly- but really playful and fun.
Beer just makes me sick, it's not pretty.

5) Who turns you on the most & why:

the activist
the author
the care-giver/healer (nurse, doctor, masseuse, herbalist, chiropractor etc.)
the comedian
the educator (professor, teacher, mentor etc.)
the model
the musician
the politician
the scientist

Author, comedian, educator, and musician. I love smart and funny- to me that is sexy. And musicians do it for me- by default.

Bonus (as in optional): Looking back, what's the one thing you've done which was supposed to be erotic, but didn't quite work out?

You know, I had a threesome once when I was about 19- and you know that is supposed to be a big deal- but it just turned out bad. I think I picked the two WORST lays possible and decided to take them both on. yeah- not exactly the fantasy one would expect. Next time will be better. ;)


Mariposa said...

Nice answers...Happy TT!

Vixen said...


I loved your answers. You rock. *MUAH*


Amorous Rocker said...

Lol. Great answers!

Happy TMI! =o)

SlipOfAGirl said...

Your bonus was funny -- er, I mean, well, it's funny to you now too, right? ;)

Happy TMI Tuesday!

Gina said...

Sooo totally loved your answers! Especially your bonus answer. I just wonder how many have taken on bad lays just to *teach* and it ended up bad lol..Happy TMI!

Osbasso said...

Musicians, huh?

D-Man said...

I'm an author, comedian, educator and musician.


Mmmmm... lick her drunk.