I've spent a lot of time this week trying to ummmm, back up my movies on DVD. Back up copies are very important when you have kids. (*wink). I've had some struggles finding the right ummm, back up program, and the right discs. I bought a whole batch of bad discs last week. Well I THINK the whole batch is bad. 13 out of 15 discs are bad so it's safe to use that sample and apply it to the entire population of discs on the spindle. How much time do I have to waste with this crap??
Apparently a lot.

Happy Half Nekkid Thursday!!!
Very unique! I really like that. :)
I'm with Vixen on this, Jules, those reflections of you are cool. Happy HNT!
I LOVE That ... you are so awesome..
Nice reflection of you. Happy burning.
Love the reflection. Cheers and Happy HNT!
Great photo idea! And yes, backing up DVD is time consuming... ;-(
Ah bummer about the dud discs. Cool shots though!
Happy HNT
I see you! Happy HNT
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