I think the best thing about Half Nekkid Thursday is that it allows you to see yourself in a different way. It also gives you a glimpse of how other people see you. It's done wonders for my confidence and the way I see myself- as well as changing my view of other people. There's something beautiful, and creative, and sexy about everyone.
While I always thought I was attractive enough, I rarely felt like I was the best looking girl in the room. I was always first to point out that I'm overweight, or too short, or my hair is dated and wild. I rarely looked at myself and thought, "Damn- I'm hot." I tried hard to stay out of the pictures. When I started blogging, and then Half Nekkid Thursdays, it started to change. It feels good to post a picture of myself, and then getting the compliments from people who are also celebrating themselves. It's awesome. I spend hours lurking the HNT pages and seeing amazing people of all shapes and sizes showing themselves off from EVERY angle. I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I look forward to Thursdays and getting Half Nekkid.
Thanks Os!
Go see Os and find out who else is feeling beautiful today!!!
Very true
Lovely pic
We are a complimentary bunch of folks, aren't we?
So glad you're with us, too!
Amen to that.
You've got the right handle on what this is all about. Happy HNT!
I second the Amen, sista!
Happy HNT!!
YOU are lovely, Indeed!
I love your hair!
That is so beautiful! HHNT!
Nice pic! Thanks!
What you said here:
There's something beautiful, and creative, and sexy about everyone.
That is a beautiful picture of you. :)
It does the same for me. Day to day, no one gives me a second glance.
I do love your pics and words. You're beautiful.
Yes, HNT is that and can be more. Love the pics!
Not up at my regular blog but here http://sinunpic.blogspot.com/
Cheers and Happy HNT!
This is a breath-taking portrait Julie!!! I love your expression, and the black and white - you look beautiful!
And this is so true:
"There's something beautiful, and creative, and sexy about everyone."
Such a beautiful and thoughtful picture. Thanks. HHNT
I couldn't agree more... HNT is very liberating! I love it :)
Happy HNT
Very true, what a wonderful post, Happy HNT!
you stated it perfectly
Simply beautiful - Happy HNT
Truer words were never spoken. Its kind of freeing participating in HNT. It's like it unlocks some secret door to your soul.
And don't ever doubt your beauty girl, cuz you are stunning.
I agree with you 1,000%. My opinion of myself has gone up considerably since I started posting HNT. I still don't think that I'm all "that", but others seem to do in one way or the other, so I'll take it!
BTW, I love your hair. Happy HNT!
Yes, dear.
When I was participating, I felt the same way. (I found I could look upon my skinny ass w/pride![lol!])
~~Who knows, maybe, if Os hasn't completely written me off as a nut-job...I may just appear again. (He better watch out!)~~
THen again, I enjoy seeing those I love each THursday..so, I always come see you & rest...
well..That's History.
Happy HNT!
xx,b/CAIN ~ ~ Bottoms Up, too!
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