I was reading a book and eating M&M when I looked down at my snack. It didn't occur to me that this was weird. but they are all in groups of 4. I ate the odd numbers to make them all groups of 4. Looking at this picture now, the second group of yellow only has three. You have no idea how that bugs me....

it's funny, and kinda insane how I do this without really thinking of it. I have to stop posting now, cause that lone yellow M&M is buggin the fuck out of me.
Now go see the Daddy to find out who else is playing HNT!!!
You're in desperate need of a hobby or something. This was just weird...
mmm yummy i have an idea for the m n ms... :)
lol! I love it! Cheers and Happy HNT!
i totally get that...so that makes me weird too! hhnt
Cool shades ;)
I get it too. LOL
Fabulous! Sorry to hear about the ingrown hair. I likes the baldy though :-)
I think something's going on in your brain ;) HHNT!
Oh, ouch about the hair!
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