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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The potty trials...

I am dedicated to potty training this weekend. It's time. He's ready. He stays dry for long periods at a time. He will sit on the potty, he just won't GO. I'm trying.

Sat on the potty- 4 times.

USED the potty- 0 times.

Peed on the hamper- 1 time.

He had it turned upside down and was standing on it. At least it was easy to clean up. I was advised by his preschool teachers to just go straight for underwear- cause he is already pull-ups half the time, and they are just thinner diapers. So this morning, I put him in underwear. Every 30 minutes he sits on the potty, and get 5 m&m's. it worked with Gabe, who was 6 months older. My one consolation is that this is the last child I will have to potty train. Once Danny is out of diapers, I'm done. There will be no more babies, and I won't ever have to potty train again. yah!!!!

Here's a cute clip of the video we are watching over and over!!

Wish us luck!!

5 minutes after I posted this, he pooped in his underwear. ugh!!

1 comment:

Jaws said...

Hey, how are the potty trials going?!
were at a dead stand still here.