Celebrate good times, come on!!!
Ok, so maybe that is a little too much fanfare- but I just found out that I got all B's last semester. 3.0. Overall GPA, 3.2!! For those of you that remember, I am applying for grad school this month, and my GPA right now is what will help determine my eligibility. 3.2 is a good. Not 4.0 good, but definitely better than 2.0.
I was really hoping for a B, but I was expecting a C. I was very unsure of my grade for that last class, the teacher was a tough grader and she wasn't very good at keeping us informed of our grade, so I didn't know where I was going into the final, and I have no idea how I did on my paper (that I thought was crap) and our presentation which was too short, but chock full of information. But I guess I did well enough because I finished with a B. Woohoo!!!
Some people strive for all A's- but I have rarely been able to pull off more than one A per semester. I've never been an A student, and I'm ok with that. They say C's get degrees- and that is true. But B's make me feel like I've learned something. It's a nice line between memorizing everything, and just having a general understanding of the concepts, enough to pick the best answer out of 4. It's not a perfect science, but I just don't have time to memorize everything and really I don't pay enough attention in class to absorb it all the first time.
Either way, congratulate me.
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