There's always something that reminds me of someone, but it's usually music. Probably from all those years working in a record store. I think more often, a person reminds me of a song, not the other way around.
2. Favourite body part/parts of the opposite (or same) sex?
I love guys with thick wrists, and nice hands.
3. Do you prefer to give or receive?
I'm a giver... :)
4. One night stands- What's the protocol? Stay the night or get the hell outta there?
I think I'd get the hell out.
5. What is the strangest place you've had sex?
*Golden Eagle Cafe in Long Beach. We were having coffee out on the patio while they were cleaning and closing up and they said that they were leaving, but we were free to stay on the patio and hang out. We sort of exchanged looks, thinking, did that just happen?? But we were there alone, on a restaurant patio- so he laid down his jacket and we did it on the table.
*Alternate Answer- Wyoming.
Bonus (as in optional): How old were you when you lost your virginity? Who was it to? Describe the event.
I was 16. Jason K. We were in his car behind Music Plus. Which is REALLY kind of ironic because "guys I met at record stores" are the largest demographic of men I've had sex with. The event was so long ago that I hardly remember it, I just remember that I didn't realize that it was actually 'in.' Which I really don't think it WAS, because the next time we tried to do it- it hurt like hell. I have had WAY too much sex in cars- but I have a special fondness for backseats.

I'd get the hell out too. :) Great answers. Happy Tuesday.
Wyoming? lol Whats strange about Wyoming? Hmm. Good answers, what a fun read. Happy TMI Tuesday!!!!
Oooh another person for the wrists. Interesting. I love nice hands too. Cool answers. Happy (belated) TMI!
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