For starters, I love men who can fix shit. That's a big deal. Men with tools and stuff. I have a thing about work gloves and tool belts.

My dad used to fix stuff. He was a freakin carpenter, like Jesus. Ok, maybe not LIKE Jesus- but you know- they were in the same trade. My dad used to build mobile homes. He also used to drive his companies float for the Rose Parade every year.
or so I'm told.
I love Extreme Makeover- Home Edition because it makes me cry at the end no matter how much of the show I've seen. Like the movie, Homeward Bound. I always fucken cry when the old dog comes hobbling up over the hill, "Oh Peter I missed you." (gettin misty over here). EM-HE does that for me. It just makes me fucken cry every time. I love what they do for people. Just the words "Move That Bus!" and I cry like a baby.
Nobody is ever unhappy to see Ty coming. He can show up unexpectedly and nobody minds. Ty brings good news, he's like Santa Clause. And don't start with the DUI, he SAID he was sorry.
I trust Ty.
He can decorate my bed any day.

He'd probably have you screaming out Jesus' name though...
Yeah, but in a good way....
I like that show too and I think he's my fav in it. The barer of good news. Cool bed :)
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