This morning I ran into the hot butchy lesbian that I have had a thing for, for almost a year now. She has been on military leave for a month. I was happy to see her, she looked good, tanned, all that. She dropped her work and I sort of ran, kind of a skip....'ed over to her and gave her a really big hug. Ahh, the closest I've gotten. She was busy, cleaning things up and reorganizing things after being gone for a month, but I did ask her how Vegas was. I knew that she was going to Vegas before she came back to work. Did you go this past weekend? No, last weekend she said. Had a good time.
Hows things at home? I asked her.
Good, she said, good.
What she did NOT mention is that things at home are all newlywed. And she got MARRIED in Vegas.

This, (in color, minus the blur and the erasing) is her wedding photo I found on My space. Lovely picture. Everyone is happy.
I just find it odd that she didn't mention it. I mean, you have to HIDE things like that. Yeah, I had total girl wood for her. She knew it. She told me she was attracted to me. Told me a few things, but never once did she mention that she was getting, or got married. Like the other guy, there is NO REASON to flat out lie. But I guess she doesn't want to publicize either.
Well, it doesn't matter now. She's married. Or whatever, considering gay marriage is still not really recognized, but you know. Whatever. I feel bad for her wife, I guess. That's not cool. Her partner is so excited about getting married that she made a point not to mention it.
So the hot guys are liar, the lesbians are liars, and I know that the nice guys are liars too. Don't ask. You know who is currently NOT lying to me?
The e-husband.
HE, strangely enough, is being quite wonderful.
It's easy to love someone who is good with your kids. It's easy to love someone who you have history with. It's easy to love someone who brushes your hair when you get out of the shower, makes your coffee, and gives you a back rub AFTER fooling around. (So I had a few drinks...what can I tell ya?!)
No decisions being made, but I enjoy being treated nicely. I enjoy having efforts made for me.
And the demon I know, is at least manageable for now.
(oh, and he paid me back for the ER co-pay that he paid with my money.) And apologized profusely for making me feel that he was being irresponsible with my thin pocketbook.
did she get hitched in a hotel, cause we were in Vegas same time and spotted a couple of nuptials going on
DOn't forget all the other women. They're all liars too. ;)
Weird that she didn't even mention getting married. Maybe she still has a thing for you? Maybe she and her wife will be swingers or something and you still have a shot ;)
How wonderful that the e-husband is stepping up and treating you nicely... that never hurts!
Wow... it's very interesting that she chose not to mention anything about getting married to you. Perhaps she is having regrets already. Or maybe she just likes flirting with you. Who knows. I have come to realize that I know nothing about men or women... they're all a mystery to me.
On a separate note, isn't it funny how much dirt you can find out about people on MySpace? I've had quite a few "revelations" there myself.
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