This is my 198 post on this blog since November. Bitchen.
Are all 12 year old boys insanely immature??
So since I don't get to travel much- I want to know where you've been. Tell me someplace you've been that you think I should go, anywhere on the globe or as close as your hometown, and tell me what I should see when I'm there. I'll do some research, and report back for my 200th blog post. I've got a few days, so get on it!!!
I don't know about all 12 year old boys, I only know about yours.... LOL. And yes I think he is very immature. Ahhhh my house is so quiet... lol. We are getting ready to go out for drinks for my birthday. Wish me luck.... lol.
I don't get to go anywhere much, either (have often made a Day Vacation at the farmers' market, flea markets, or outdoor book sales), but since I live on the other coast, anything I tell you will be new if you haven't been here.
New York's Greenwich Village has fascinating people, you can go to a nice restaurant OR eat something off a stick in the street, and it's a quick cab ride or subway trip to midtown, where you can walk around like a tourist and have the hardened New Yorkers make fun of you.
For me, there's nothing like a weekend in Seattle.
New Zealand has the D-Man.
The Grand Canyon... stay off downtown Flagstaff Business Spur and drive about 15-20 mins past to some cool motels and leave from there...
Hmmm... I have no idea what kind of traveler you are...
Sightseeing in a city? Gotta check out Manhattan and the Village, as Golfwidow mentioned.
Into the beachy thing? Aruba has beautiful beaches, dry weather and a constant breeze.
Mountains or hiking? New Mexico is beautiful. And the Rockies are breathtaking.
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