Ok, I fucken LOVE that show. I am absolutely shocked to find out how everyone is interrelated. Not to mention I fall asleep dreaming about Peter Petrelli, and the guy who plays him on TV. Milo Ventimiglia. He is fuck-me yummyyyy...

My crush is more on Peter than on Milo. Milo is gorgeous and talented, but he's young and probably dates other young, gorgeous and talented people. Peter can absorb the powers from the other heroes and he's gonna save the world or something. He's all super strength, regenerating, flying, and such. Not to mention he's kinda dark and powerful right now. And you know how I love em when they are like that. All I know is that I go to sleep every night dreaming about him and I imagine that he fucks like a superhero. Peter Petrelli, is in general, a sweet guy. A nurse and a family kind of guy. But you know he likes it rough. With powers like that- are you kidding me? All super and powerful. You know, in the good and dirty, pull my hair and make me call you Daddy kind of way. These are what my dreams involve lately. And sometimes he brings his hot politician brother with him.

I'm SOOO down with that. Talk about a dream come true!!!
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