You know- I haven't. Which is strange to say. Because I feel like I have. There are a few bloggers I have been talking to, or reading for a while now. Those I feel a friendship with that technically I have never met. Weird.
2. Did you ever play an innocent game of "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"?
I don't know if it was ever innocent.
3. When did you get your first not so innocent kiss?
I was in 6th grade. Kevin Reisler. I didn't know I was supposed to breathe through my nose. classy, huh??
4. Have you ever awoke with someone who's name you did not remember?
OMG, yes. I was a junior in high school and I was at a party and I passed out, and when I came to I was sleeping next to a guy I had talked to at the party. I didn't know him and I started screaming. His name was Ed- and we ended up dating later. And shorty after graduation we had three straight nights of really hot sex, and I haven't seen him since.
5. Have you ever let someone else wash you while you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself?
Of course, that's what taking showers together are for!!
Bonus (as in optional): What makes a great first date for you?
Being comortable. Not trying to force conversation. Being taken to a place that is within my element. Laughing a lot.

1 comment:
Way cool. Thanks for sharing.
#1, perhaps lunch one day?
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