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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Friday, November 09, 2007

See me writing....

So I have decided, with some encouragement from some...um...fans, to put together a collection of my posts from my other blog and publish them. I have gotten feedback from some other self-publishers on a site/company to use and I am in the process. It's weird reading my own stuff in one sitting while I am going through and editing.

It's written in a blogging format. Informal. Strange grammar. Words that sort of hang there. Excessive use of the words throbbing and aching. Using the word "cock" too many times in once sentence. And reading one story after another, grouped together by topic, it seems repetitive. Blowjob after blowjob after blowjob... enough with the blowjobs already!! My thought was to group the tales (two to six pages each) by category so you can flip to the 'sections' you like, even though no story focuses in just one category. But then maybe I should rank them from Vanilla to Violence.

I considered, why would anyone buy it, if they can read it for free. This is a very good point, but I know what people are usually doing, or getting ready to do when they are cruising sex blogs- so maybe it might be easier to do if you have a book. I always prefer it. I mean, the minute I take my laptop to bed with me, the e-husband knows what I'm doing.

I'm excited about it, and even though probably won't make me rich it's still something cool to do to prove I've done something. I just have to think of a pen name although I'm tempted to use my real name. I mean, who gives a fuck, right? I doubt my mother is going to be googling my name anytime soon. And if she does, well, she used to read Jackie Collins. Although my last name doesn't quite roll off the tongue.

Any thoughts??


d-man said...

Either way,your stuff should be out there.

Lori M said...

I just started chuckling when you mentioned your last name because I remember you telling me about some woman at your old work who used to say it with a French accent. You did like that way that sounded, but unless you tried to spell it phonetically, I guess you could never really guarantee people would get it the way you wanted them too. :)

Jaws said...

I'm jealous. :)