There's a link there for my online adult store. It's sponsored by Adam&Eve so you know it's good quality stuff. I placed my first order (woo hoo) and got a fancy vibe with the Adam & Eve logo on it for $4, plus ANOTHER smaller vibe for free. Hey, one for the car you know... ha ha.

I'm not sure why people would really opt for a $20 vibe that has the logo on it, but maybe it's like buying Nike's- you want them to say NIKE! I don't usually do e-commerce, and I really started doing this for my other blog. Ha Ha- you thought it was a link didn't you?? Hee hee, just fuckin with ya. Anyway, I decided to take advantage of my mega traffic on the other blog and affiliate. Since I was able to have more than one 'campaign'- I decided to link here as well. So you know, if you are in the market for some toys- or a gift (don't be shy- a dildo makes a PERFECT gift for most gals!) then click on over to my store, sponsored by Adam & Eve. I am also trying to work out a product review deal, like that wouldn't be the most AWESOME gig ever!!
I joined the ERWA a while back, and while I don't participate much on their site, I do get frequent emails regarding places I can submit my writing and such. The most recent was a company looking for copywriters for their toys. I need to send them three samples. I had fun with the first one.

I'm still trying to imagine the idea of 10 inches long and 7 1/2 inches around. Can you say "forearm". Holy cock, Batman- that is one big dildo!!! I also need to write a LONGER (hee hee) description for the same toy. I am tempted to just write.... "Oh yes oh yes oh yes"- about 50 times. That might get the point across huh??

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