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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

married to a douche

The youngest Beastie has a doctors appointment today at 9.
I have taken a lot of time off lately and have very little vacation time.
This friday I have my Brother in Law's funeral
Next friday I have my brothers retirement from the Marines. (more on that next week)

I cannot take time off to take Daniel to the doctors again. So the e-husband was told that he would need to do it. He didn't volunteer, he was volun-told.

Fuck me.


This morning he is not getting out of bed. He just isn't. I know what you may be thinking, make him- right? Yeah- try that. I'll wait here. Also I could do that but then I will be unleashing douchebag wrath all over my sweet child who is already going to be upset having to go to the doctors in the first place and having his ears lavaged. So I called my mother, who was more than happy to help me out.

Sometimes it's better to just NOT rely on him, ever.

What a douchebag.... right?

1 comment:

Rambeau said...

Totally. I love that new word for my vocabulary: "volun-told"! My old motto is, "no expectations, no disappointments".