I decided to go for the rectangular frames since that is the new style. I think they are kinda kicky and hip.

It doesn't matter how much thinner my face is, I can't seem to get rid of that extra chin. It's all I see when I look at this picture. Isn't that funny that when I look at a picture that is otherwise nice, all I see is the fat chin. The rest of my face is getting thinner, what gives?? Maybe I need this.
So I have lost just under 10 pounds. 9.8- whatever. I am mildly happy with 10 pounds, but it's been 8 weeks, and I'd like to lose more than a pound a week. At this rate, by the time I get to NY I will have only lost another 12 pounds. And yea, 22 pounds in that many weeks is not bad. It's a healthy way to lose weight, but if I get to choose, I'd prefer to lose maybe TWO pounds a week.

So what am I going to do to do that???
- drink more water.
- choose better foods. Yes I can have 8 points in a hamburger patty and cheese- or I can have 8 points in a chicken breast and a vegetables and a glass of milk.
- think even harder about starting an exercise routine.
A friend recommended these places to see in NY.
Top of the Rock.
The Strand Bookstore
Strawberry Fields
I think I may spend a day in Central Park. I had no idea there was so much to see there. I also found this really cool article on riding the subway (thanks PunkGuy), but I admit that I am still not really wanting to do that.
On another awesome note. While my mother is refusing to throw me a graduation party. My boss is going to. She said she wanted to offer, but can't do it alone cause she's not a planner like that (that is what she has ME for). So she's going to throw me a nice big party at the clubhouse where she lives and I can invite my family and friends. I will help her set it up, but I really wanted to cry when she offered. I am very fortunate to work for someone like her. Somedays she really makes me fucking crazy, but it my more humble moments, I admit that she is one of the most strong and amazing and smart women I know.
How many more days??? Counter says 74. Fuck yeah.
Big congrats on the upcoming graduation!
Hey, so when is the party?? I hope I'm gonna be in town for it. I'm planning on flying in on the morning of your graduation and staying thru the following weekend. Woohoo!!!
Oh, and the chin thing is TOTALLY frustrating, but I just think it runs in our family. I've lost weight in the last 3 months and I STILL have my goddamn double chin. SUCKS!
I'll have to tell you about my diet sometime. But from the pics I've seen of you, my opinion is that you don't need to lose weight for appearance! Just do it for your health, hon. Here's an idea for the city: Don't take the subway, walk around midtown!
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