We drove home and cracked jokes and talked about some of the changes in the house. The role of the e-husband, and his new role (aka chores) in the house. He seems pretty excited to get an allowance. And it's WAY worth $5 a week to have someone do my dishes.
We got to my mom's house he ran inside. The boys were outside with thier Opa. Gabe was SO exited he started yelling "ALEX ALEX ALEX!!!" and Opa hugged him and told him to go upstairs to find Oma.
So up he ran- and I tried to quiet Gabe down who was still yelling "ALEX IS HOME!" So Alex ran upstairs and into Oma's room, where she was in her closet, wearing a bra and underwear. He saw her, and ran back out. Saying nothing, kind of laughing. He stoood in the hallway for a few seconds, and then said "Hello????" That was about the time that I came up the stairs behind him. So he walked into her room, where she yelled and hugged and laughed and all that good stuff, all while trying to pull her shirt on!!
Oma was happy. She was surprised and said, "You LIED TO ME!" (leave it to mom to give me a moral lesson.)
Alex was only minimally traumatized about seeing his grandmother in her underwear. What a good sport.
Yes I know he needed a haircut BAD, I told you about that before he got on the plane... lol. Don't go making me feel bad woman! At least he got home safe and sound. It's much quieter in my house now... lol.
What a handsome young man he is! You must be happy to have him home :)
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