I no longer want a new man, and not sure that I want the old man. Deanna said I was being all Alanis, and maybe she's right- but either way- I'm restless and in serious need of something. A drink, a smoke. Oh you have no idea how bad I want to smoke. But I won't.
This is me today. All made up and pretty:

I even got my nails done. Yeah, it's serious....

I'm going to try to utilize my makeup and jewelry stash. E-husband suggested that perhaps I would feel better if I made an effort for myself. Maybe that was his way of telling me that I do NOT look just fine without makeup and in a ponytail. He's honest, in a tactful way. And you know, for all of his bullshit... well, whatever.
So ok, here I am- dolled up, adorned, painted, and moussed.
Love me- I fucking dare you.
you look fucking gorgeous.
is it possible your e-husband meant just what he said? that he knew you were down and that would help you feel better, and wasn't saying you looked bad?
love yourself first, beautiful lady, and the right man will follow, nothing to do with how you look....
Heidi's right - you look fucking gorgeous! I hope you find what you're looking for. We all need to feel happy in our lives and with ourselves.
Oh, don't you even say that!
There's not a damn thing wrong with you!
(I'm six-foot-2-inches tall. I weigh, 142. My ribs are my most valued part of me!
That's the way my Genetics rolled!)
Okay. Smile.
You're you, babe. And, beautiful to behold.
(I could give you a little spank..but, I won't. Just love you, for you,k????)
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