The ehusband is still in my house and it seems that he will be around more often. I have to take the boys out of day care because my rent is being raised by $200 and I currently can only afford rent and daycare, and NOTHING ELSE.

So e-husband has offered to step up and watch the kids three days a week (the other two they will be with Oma- aka my mom) until the fall. By then Gabe will be in Kindergarten and I will only need child care for one. It's always risky when I rely on his help, because his health is so iffy, but I have no other choice than to accept it. I have to trust that it will be ok, and even if it's not, I will deal with that later. For now, saving $200 a week will not only afford us the basic things like food, it will actually leave me with some extra. 10 weeks at $200 a week is a nice little chunk of change. Alex will be home and can help out and my mom is around the corner and if it's really bad, then I can take a day off- or arrange help from one of my nieces and daughters of friends who are on summer vacation.
I am worried about it- but grateful. Grateful that he stepped up to offer his help. That he acknowledges that these are also his kids and it is not ONLY my responsibility to provide their support. Yes, it does put a wrench into my life a little bit, but it's only for a little while and this situation will be mutually beneficial for the both of us, without making any decisions to get back together.
For all of his crap, he has some redeeming qualities.
Weekend Stats
Naps I have taken this weekend- 2
Days I got to sleep in- 2
Meals I've had to cook- 0
And he's still kinda nice to look at.
Ok, yeah, so I'm getting a little mushy about it. But I have to admit, it's nice to have someone make an effort for me.
~~mushy seems fine to me.
(just keep in mind the "crap" you may return to)
jus' saying. :0
xx,adam b.
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