So today is Danny's 4th birthday. It's weird, he still seems like such a baby to me. I admit, I tend to favor Danny, probably because he's the youngest so his milestones are the last ones. Also because there was so much tension and drama during my pregnancy, all the way up until the moment he was born, I think I still feel kinda guilty because I considered NOT having him, and even at the very end, due to some other awful circumstances, I wondered if he would not have been better off with another family because I was such a mess and suicidal.
Of course, 5 seconds after he was born, I forced myself to snap out of it and loved him to death. He latched on to my breast the first time we met (he was C-section so I didn't 'get him' for a few hours) and stayed there for 6 months.
1 1/2 months. He stayed in that swing the entire month, I think.

Three months. Mama, I'm stuck!!!

Six months. So cute!!

9 months, he couldn't get out, so he gave up!!

11 months, he (still) loves the laundry, but this used to make me so mad!!
1st birthday!! LOVES CAKE
Almost 2. He looks like David Carridine when his hair
gets too long.
Age three. He finally looks more like his brothers.
Today, age 4.

Hurray for UNDERPANTS!!!!

I can't believe he's 4.
I can't believe I'm still potty training him!!! This weekend I'm going to focus on potty training him if it kills us both. I am starting to wonder about his comprehension skills. He knows that you are supposed to go pee in the toilet (or so he tells me), but as soon as he is finished rinsing out his underwear that he peed in, I asked him where he went pee pee, and he said, "In the toilet."
No- obviously NOT otherwise I would not be standing here with you. I keep asking, but he doesn't seem to understand my question. It's like he hears three words and fills in the rest with what he thinks I want to hear- but he clearly doesn't hear what I'm asking him otherwise when I said, "Why did you pee pee in your underwear?" he would not answer, "in the toilet."
sigh... either way. He's my baby- and he's 4 today.
Happy Birthday indeed, and thanks for visiting I think this Holidailies will be a good one. I can feel it.
Happy December!
My son was four and a half before he fully potty trained. One day I finally told him:
Santa does NOT visit little boys that are four and still wear diapers.
That was all it took, not one diaper did he wear after that.
Good luck, and WOW, cute kid!!!
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