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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sick around the World

I watched this Frontline Video for my class. If you have some time, watch. It's 5 parts, like 12 minutes each, but any of the 5 parts are interesting.

Click HERE

No, I've never seen Sicko. I just don't like Michael Moore. I am sure the information is good- but I do not like conspiracy theory and people who want to create chaos in EVERYTHING. So while everything in that movie may have been right on, he bugs the ever-livin out of me and I just can't watch.

The Frontline Video makes me think about Healthcare. It makes me think that the US would never agree to a national health system. Corporations would never agree to make LESS money. We love our multi-market fragmented system because wallets are getting fat and people are still getting free health care.

My term paper is on 3 or 4 things that drive up the cost of health care. I have chosen: Pharmaceuticals, Insurance Companies, Technology, and Medical Futility in End of Life Care.

One of the interesting things in this video was that in Great Britian (I think) a family the size of mine would share a $750 a month payment with thier employer. $325 a month is pretty good for 6 people- and then everything is covered. Currently, I pay $140. Another $185 a month would hurt, however.... I also pay at LEAST $200 a month for my husband perscriptions, and doctor appointments. So I guess I would still come out on top. Hospitalizations- another $250 a stay. How many times was my husband hospitalized this year?? I think 12. Have I actually paid any of those bills?? No. Why not?- well where the hell am I going to come up with $250- times 12!!! Now, if he came to MY hospital, it would be covered 100%, deductible waived. However- he doesn't come to this hospital. He doesn't LIKE it here.

Don't Say It.

In Taiwan, if you see the doctor more than 20x a month or 50x in three months, you are paid a visit from the govt. This is how THEY control overusage of the system. No, American's would never let Big Brother in like that. But you know, I think I would vote for a national health system. I don't care if the government knows that my husband is sick, or that I wear contact lenses and have high blood pressure. I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking about here- but I also know that in this economy, and I mean the financial business of my household- every dime counts and sometimes we just need to make some sacrifices for the good of others. Would I pay a premium because I have a job- knowing that there are some who don't pay a premium because they don't have a job- and we could be in the same hospital room with the same heart surgery? Sure.

I do that already.
What's the alternative?

I do believe that health care is a basic human right, and to deny people care is wrong.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

I agree with you completely, health care is a basic right and we should have it.