My first day of Holidailies where I will blog every day for 30 days. I think this is the third year I've done this, which means that this blog has been around for two years. Wow, how many of you have been listening to my weekly drivel for two years. Introduce yourself.
*Bows. Thank you. *
So it's December 5th and I started out paying my rent and my babysitter (mom). This afternoon I have to take the youngest Beastie to a doctors appointment to have him evaluated for ADD or ADHD or whatever it could be that gives him the attention span of a door knob. I hate to be one of those mothers who just throws a diagnosis at her kid, but but you know- the OLDEST Beastie has it, so I know what it looks like. I know that way it makes me want to jump out of a window- so don't judge me.
Danny is not as hyperacted as he is inattentive. Alex was not just hyper. He still is. He is not on his meds right now, we are trying it without them. School is a little harder, but really he gets in the same stupid trouble he did last year. It's not the ADHD, it's just Alex.
What concerns me is that I always blamed Alex's DAD for the ADHD. There seems to be just one common demonimator in all three kids- and it aint the dad.
Hey look, a puppy.
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