1. What is the meanest thing you've ever done/said to a lover/loved one?
I hate to admit that I have said many mean things to many loved ones. I can be much like my mother with a razor tongue when I feel I'm being backed it a wall. A few come to mind:
1) Maybe if you weren't such an asshole I would not have been sleeping with that other guy. (totally fucked up thing to say and to attempt to excuse my shitty behavior.)
2) You are a pathetic excuse for a man. (it really never got worse than this.)
3) Fuck you. Fuck you. FUCK YOU. (Ok, this was really kind of funny because each "fuck you" was a response to some stupid comment he made.)
2. Have you ever had sex on an elevator?
Unfortunately no. But I did have sex in the carport at the Los Angeles Courthouse, the one with the jail. I love the anxiety of going to court.
3. Have you ever lied about a rash and said it was a birthmark? OR Have you ever lied about a birthmark and said it was a rash?
No on both...
4. Have you ever had sex on a beach or in the water at a beach/pool?
The e-husband and I had sex on the beach once. We were first dating, and we used to have sex everywhere. And a million years ago, Paul and I had sex in the jacuzzi at the apartment complex we lived at. It was high on a hill, overlooking the city (and the freeway), and it started to rain. It was pretty cool.
5. How old are you? How old do you feel? =P
I am 35. I feel every bit of my 35 years. Sometimes exhausted and getting up there, sometimes fantastic and in my "prime". It depends on the day.
6. Have you or your partner been injured so badly during sex that you/they had to go to the hospital?
Not exactly. When I was younger, I had a tilted cervix. So during sex it would hit the 'side' of my cervix and hurt like a mother fucker. I remember once when Paul and I were having sex, it hurt so bad I burst into tears and the next day I went to the doctor. So it was not exactly a sex related injury... (it fixed itself when I had kids).
7. Have you been to a strip club or "titty bar"? (Hooters does NOT count.) If so, did you get a lap dance?
No, but I TOTALLY WOULD!!!!!
Bonus (as in optional): Have you ever had a "blog crush" (i.e., a crush on someone, of whatever gender, that you haven't met in person but only know through their blog)? Who? (Link, please, if you dare!) =P
Does flirting and cybersex count as a 'crush'? Cause that's a whole different blog.
Your #4 sounds pretty awesome. Great answers. Happy TMI!
I used to have a record called Love in an Elevator...
"Sometimes exhausted and getting up there, sometimes fantastic and in my "prime"" I hear you, sista. I hear you. Happy TMI!
Good answers. Happy (late) TMI.
nice answers, happy TMI!
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