1. is there someone who is always on your mind?
Yes, there are a few. Usually my kids, and a few others.
2. why did you stop liking the last person you liked?
Ummmm. probably because he made me crazy. No matter how much I love you, eventually you will make me crazy.
3. what is your name?
Julie, Julie, Julie- do ya love me.
4. have you ever been to california?
I live here!- suck THAT bitches!!!
5. how is life going for you right now?
Not bad, I have very few complaints.
6. do you miss your ex?
My ex husband? No- he's just a phone call away.
7. are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
8. who was the last person to comment you?
Someone who said he likes older women and would LOVE to fuck me. yeah, thanks.
9. regret(s)
Not taking better care of my teeth.
10. what was the last reason you cried?
Because I was sad, of course. I was having a sad conversation with someone I care about and after I got off the phone, I cried because the conversation did not resolve anything.
11. what was the first thing you said when you woke up today?
Sure, that's no problem baby.
12. is there a reason for your myspace song?
I am not sure what my song is right now... but I probably was in that kinda mood or something.
13. do you have a best friend?
14. what was the reason your last relationship failed?
My last MARRIAGE failed because of money, sex and the fact that we could not stand each other.
15. have you ever hated someone, but ended up being friends?
Yes- usually because I made a snap judgement.
16. ever had something kinky done to you without expecting it?
Yes, that is when it's best.
17. do you own a pair of green pants?
They are dark khaki green and I have a matching shirt too. (Scrubs)
18. are you more independent or dependent?
I guess more independent, but only out of necessity. I think by nature, I tend to be more needy, but I have learned that I can't do that.
19. ever had the opposite sex over when no one was home?
Apparently this survey was written for teenagers or younger, I think I want to write a survey for adults.
20. do you believe that what comes around goes around?
God- I HOPE NOT!!!
21. what is your favorite fruit?
Bananas because they are quick, can be eaten on the go and are notmessy.
22. what is the most important thing in any relationship?
Compromise. (well said Josh.)
23. what is the last song to make you cry?
Stay, from Sugarland
24. does anyone love you?
25. do you love someone?
26. is your best friend pretty?
Yes- but it really would not matter if the answer was no.
27. have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Several times- manage to dig deeper each time.
28. do you trust people easily?
Yes- it takes too much energy NOT to and I recover quickly.
29. whats the one thing that always gets you through the day?
It's a toss up. Sometimes it's my kids, sometimes it's a song, sometimes it's just a good cup of coffee.
30. favorite kids' book?
Santa Mouse
31. last time you got laid?
That depends on your definition.
32. where is one place you want to visit?
33. do you like hugs or do you freak when people hug you?
I like hugs. It's hard not to smile when you get a hug, even from a stranger.
34. ever felt that no one relates to you?
Yes, when it's about the e-husband, I often feel that nobody understands and therefore it can be a very lonely feeling when I am struggling.
35. had plans and broke them?
No- I always show up for everything, ever time. Yeah- right.
36. done anything illegal?
Yes- I once drove half a block with no seat belt on.
37. There was no question for # 37, so I will make up my own answer.
38. are you a vegetarian?
No, meat is delicious. Go MEAT!
39. have you ever had surgery?
Yes, thre C-sections and an appendectomy.
40. who are you jealous of?
You know, everyone has thier problems. It would be easy for me to say someone who has a good marriage, or someone who has a perfect body- but you know, even those people would probably love to trade lives with someone else. I guess I am not jealous of anyone really- except maybe of people who can carry a tune. I don't want to be able to sing
really good, but I would like it if I was not embarassed by my singing voice.
41. are you a lover or hater?
That depends on who you ask.
42. do you think your ex's new love is a player/hoochie?My ex's last girlfriend is a really nice girl. They are broken up now, and that kinda makes me sad, but she and I will remain friends- even though my ex husband will not like it.
43. what does your best friend call you?
44. if it's consensual, do you like pain during sex?
Yes, but it's even better when it's nonconsensual.
45. what were you doing 4 hours ago?
46. have you ever called 911?
Yes. My husband had passed out and he had a procedure done earlier in the day so I thought maybe it was something else. Shocker, he was just drunk and had passed out and almost landed with his face in the cat box. Good times.
47. next vacation you're going on?
I don't know.
48. have you ever crawled through a window?
I don't think so.
49. has anyone ever crawled through your window?
Hee hee, yes.
50. what would you tell your ex if you had the chance?
My ex husband? You should have tried harder with her and she would not have left you. But not with me, I was totally outta there!!