Lets talk Mother's Day gifts that should be strictly off limits.

1. Kitchen appliances. Not the gift of choice for Mother's Day. No bread makers. No Cuisinarts or blenders. Even for kitchenistas. Even in cool retro colors, don't do it. Especially when you're replacing something that's broken -- that doesn't even count as a gift.
Exception: A coffee maker. Mama needs her caffeine.

Exception: A slightly overpriced but exquisite lotion that a mom only purchases on special occasions.
3. Little House on the Prairie-inspired pajamas. Not. Hawt. Caroline Ingalls is the only mom who ever will make them look sexy.
Exception: Grandma.
4. House-cleaning gear. Even moms will admit the Dyson DC07 vacuum is one hot little number. But for a $600 price tag, we'd rather have the cash. We're in a recession, people. Drop that money into a savings account.
Exception: Mom asks for it. And even then, we're not even sure it's cool.
5. The Man Cold.
Oh I know. You can't buy a cold. But you know what I'm talking about. The only thing worse than a kid being sick on Mother's Day is a husband/partner being sick on Mother's Day. You and your man colds. Mom should high-tail it 'outta dodge. But she won't. Because she's Mom.
Exception: Never.
take a lesson people. this is valuable info. What do I want for mothers day? The same think I ask for, and usually get every day unless I am faced with #5 (which has happened a few times).
I want to be left alone. Some mom's like to spend the day with thier family- run around town, wear matching clothes. Yeah- not so much me. I want to sleep in lay around. Maybe shop- alone. Take a nap. Not fix meals. Not yell at anyone.
Every mother is a working mother.
Mothers Day should be renamed Mom's National Fucking Day Off.
enjoy it!
See you got that sheeot wrong! I would kill for that $400 mixer or that $600 vaccum! I don't want some stupid lotion that I can buy every day and not feel guilty about. I want the expensive crap I dream about owning but feel way to guilty to buy cuz we can't afford it! :)
Amen sista!!! A nice day all alone shopping or going to lunch or reading a good book. That is what this mom wants/needs.
Have a happy Mother's Day!!!
Happy Mother's Day, Jules! Hope you really enjoy your day.
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