Guitar Hero
I love watching David Cook's version of this. You can tell he plays the guitar- and that he has SEEN the movie. That he wore the briefs- cause you know- you GOTTA rock the briefs with this.
Archie?? Well I get this very creepy, "pedophilic" feeling watching him. And he's in boxers, whatever, and you can tell he does NOT play guitar. Does his dad even let him PAY Guitar Hero??
The Letter
I really look forward to what both of these two have in store. I also found this on YouTube from the Ellen show. One. Amazing. I can't wait to see these guys on tour. Michael Johns was the other guy I voted for all season.
Last Name
Wow, didn't she look great??
George Michael montage, and GEORGE MICHAEL
Michael John's singing the first verse and David Cook singing the last verse of Father Figure is a panty dropper for me, baby. And you know, I love George Michael. He sounded a bit "unlike him" but still- true love lasts forever. This is one of my all time favorite songs- ever.
The Win.
Yeah- we've all seen it. I admit it- I screamed, and then I cried.

It's hard for me to say exactly what it is about this guy that has struck such a chord in me, perhaps it was his songs, perhaps it was the fact that his voice sort of settles into the back of my spine the way very few singers do. Perhaps it's that he seems like a genuinely humble and grateful guy. Maybe it's just the bartender thing. I pray he's not an addict of sorts, because if he was, well then there would be no question why I like him. Either way, I can't wait to see him on the Idol Tour. And yes, I'm going. July 7th.
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