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Using my 40's as a do-over for my thirties, only smarter. I often mistake the bees and honey reference with the one about free milk and a cow. This might explain my whole life.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

How important is it?

There are alot of slogans in program. One Day at A Time, Keep Is Simple, Easy Does it, Think, Live and Let Live, Principles above Personalities. One that I have heard in meetings- is How important is it? IT's 5AM and that is what I'm thinking right now.
Last night I was told in not such a nice way that there is nothing to eat in the house. Now granted, I know that the choices are slim- but I do the absolute best I can and I just hope that the adults in the house realize that our first responsibility is to make sure the kids get fed, and we come second. It's perfectly logical- and EXPECTED to go to bed a little hungry just so long as my kids have food in thier bellies. So after realizing that I did not have my check book on me, I went to the store with the little bit of cash I had on me, and I bought the basics I was instructed to get, and I would just shop some more tomorrow. Where the money will come from tomorrow, I don't know.
So I bought some juice, and some other things. I commented that I would wait on buying the milk. My kids don't drink ALOT of milk, and they are going to the babysitter first thing this morning anyway. So I this morning I get up and go to the fridge and the gallon of juice I bought, has less than 1/4 left in the jug. LESS THAN A QUARTER. I came home with it at 10PM. 7 hours ago. Which means that through the night, my TYPE 1 DIABETIC husband has drank almost a GALLON of juice. Which angers me on two levels. First, he should not drink that much juice. I mean, he shouldn't drink a GLASS of it- let alone just shy of a GALLON!! And secondly, there are KIDS that live in this house. We do not have alot of money for shopping etc., and he thinks it's ok to drink the juice. Practically ALL the juice. This infuriates me. I would really like to go in there and throw forks at him, or maybe glasses, or pots and pans perhaps. I think he is a selfish jerk and reaffirms why I am no longer committed to this marriage.
However, I am opting not to start a fight with him about it. A) it's 5AM and his blood sugar is probably up around 450 so I'm sure he is in no mood for conversations. B) the juice was $1.00. C) I can argue with him all I want, he is NOT sorry, he will not BE sorry, and he will just do it again. It's a losing battle really- I've had it before. My arguing will just be my attempts to let him know that I think he's a jerk. And really, I'm quite certain he knows that already... So while I think that my anger is justified, it will make no difference for me to barge in there and tell him why I'm pissed off. His reacting will not be sufficient for me, it will probably only prove to piss me off even more. So I will keep my mouth shut- and simply not buy any more juice. (Milk is equally bad for him when he drinks it in such high quantities- except milk is more expensive and if it's going to be thrown down his throat so quickly and with the same effect, then I will buy the juice first- if anyone is wondering WHY I would even buy such sugary juice with a diabetic glutton in the house). The kids can drink water. I simply can't AFFORD to spend so much money on beverages that are going to disappear overnight. Wouldn't it be great if he'd just, I don't know, work?
Well that is a whole nother Oprah- so I won't go there this morning. I'm just going to keep my mouth shut, because it will only upset me more to complain about it, and just wait. He will be gone eventually. It won't be soon enough, but eventually.


Phil said...

Ugh. I am praying for you.

Anonymous said...

emphatise with the rage (Sigh!) hold tight.